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Oil Seeds


Rapeseed/Toria and mustard are the third most important edible oilseed crops of the world after soybean and oil palm. It belongs to the Family: Brassicaceae (Cruciferae). Two noteworthy species of Rapeseed and mustard are Brassica juncea and B. campestris.The seed and oil are used as condiments in the preparation of pickles, curries, vegetables, hair oils, medicines and manufacture of greases. The oil cake is used as feed and manure. The leaves of young plants are used as green vegetables and green stem and leaves are a good source of green fodder for cattle. In the tanning industry, mustard oil is used for softening leather.

Rapeseed And Mustard

Nutritional Profile

Mustard seeds contain 30-35% oil. The protein content of meal varies from 32-39%. The amino acid profile of rapeseed meal is comparable to that of soybean meal, thus making it a rather high-quality plant protein source. However, it is rather unpalatable.

Area and Productivity

Rapeseed–mustard crops in India are grown in diverse agroclimatic conditions ranging from north-eastern/northwestern hills down to the south under irrigated/rainfed, timely/late sown, saline soils, and mixed cropping. Indian mustard accounts for about 75-80% of the 6.23 million hectares under these crops in the country during the 2018-19 crop season. With the use of improved varieties, agronomical, and plant protection techniques, farmers may expect to harvest 14-20 quintals per hectare of seed of rapeseed and 20-25 quintals of mustard per hectare.

Area, Production, Productivity of Rapeseed-Mustard in Assam (2022-23)

Source: Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Assam

Crop Area (ha) Production (t) Productivity (kg/ha)
Rapeseed-Mustard 319,451 250,815 785
Total Oilseeds 342,080 265,567 776

Climatic Requirements

Require cool and dry weather and a fair supply of soil moisture during the growing period and dry clear weather at the time of maturity. In India, they are grown in Rabi season from September-October to February-March.

Suitable Soil Type

Rapeseed – mustard generally do well in sandy soils. However, other light soils are also equally good

Recommended Varieties

Varieties Year of Release Agroclimatic Zone Duration (days) Yield (q/ha) il Content (%)
Rapeseed: (Toria)
TS-36 - All zones 90-95 10-12 41-43
AAU TS-38 - All zones 90-95 10-12 41-44
M-27 1978 All zones 90-95 10-12 44.6
TM-2 1993 UBVZ,CBVZ,LBVZ,HZ 105-115 12-16 36-40

Newly recommended rapeseed or toria varieties
Varieties Year of Release Duration (days) Seed Yield (q/ha) Adaptation Recommended for Disease & Pest Reaction Oil Content (%) Remarks
JT 90-1 (Jeuti) 2020 89 6.97 Rabi; delayed sowing in rice fallow All zones except Hills Zone & BVZ Moderately Susceptible to Alternaria blight (leaves and pods show symptoms); moderately susceptible in case of incidence of aphids and sawfly 43 Suitable for late sowing
TS 46 - 94 9.06 Rabi All zones except Hills Zone & BVZ - - Suitable for late sowing
TS 67 - 90 7.01 Rabi All zones except Hills Zone & BVZ - 42 Suitable for late sowing
Mukhtar (AAU JYS 14-2) 2023 93 11.5 - 15.5 Rabi     42.5% Normal time of sowing, Irrigated conditions, Bright yellow seeded

Indian mustard varieties newly recommended
Varieties Year of Release Duration (days) Seed Yield (q/ha) Adaptation Recommended for Oil Content (%) Disease and Pest Reaction
PM 26 2011 107 12-14 Rabi All zones except BVZ and Hills Zone 40.32 -
PM 27 2011 107 13-14 Rabi All zones except BVZ & Hills Zone 43.03 -
NRCHB-101 2009 108 13-15 Rabi LBVZ, CBVZ, NBPZ, UBVZ, HZ 34.6-42.1 Moderately resistant to Alternaria blight and tolerant to aphids


Agronomic Practices

Land Preparation

A fine seed bed is essential for rapeseed – mustard. The field should be ploughed 4-6 times followed by laddering in order to obtain a fine tilth.

Seed Rate
  • Seed rate of 10 kg/ha (1.3 kg/bigha) for toria has been found to be optimum.
  • For Mustard, seed rate will be 8 kg/ha and plant population should be maintained at 3 to 3.5 lakh/ha.
  • A seed proportion of 75:25 of toria + lentil mixed is recommended for Hills Zone only.
  • As a pure crop, a seed rate of 6-8 kg/ha is recommended for Hills Zone.
  • Seed rate of rain-fed late-sown toria after sali paddy (rice-toria sequence) should be 13 kg/ha, i.e. 33% higher than the normal recommended rate of 10 kg/ha.
Time of Sowing

The optimum time of sowing is from the middle of October to the middle of November. Early sowing helps in escaping the attack of aphids.

In Barak Valley Zone, rapeseed and mustard can be sown as late as November 30 in upland condition and up to the third week of November in medium upland condition.

Weed Management

In Orobanche endemic areas, continuous cropping of toria-mustard should be avoided. Crop rotation with other cereals and legumes may be followed to reduce the attack of the parasite.

Normally no weeding is needed. If necessary, one weeding at 15-20 DAS is sufficient to keep the field weed-free.

Irrigation and Water Management

One irrigation of 6 cm depth of water may be applied either at 50% flowering or at early siliqua formation stage.

In case a rainfall of 20-25 mm is received during this period, no post-sowing irrigation is essential. Pre-sowing irrigation is normally not required for timely sowing. However, in dry areas, one pre-sowing irrigation may be applied.

Foliar Spray of Urea

Two foliar applications of 1% urea at flowering and pod-filling stages along with the basal application of recommended fertilizer dose, i.e. 60 kg N, 30 kg P2O5, and 30 kg K2O/ha.

Fertilizer Management

Application of FYM or compost @ 2-3 t/ha is beneficial for the crop.

Nutrient Requirement (kg/ha) Form Fertilizer Requirement
kg/ha kg/bigha
For Rapeseed
(a) Plains:
Rainfed condition        
N 40 Urea 87 12
P2O5 35 SSP 220 30
K2O 15 MOP 25 3
Irrigated condition        
N 60 Urea 130 18
P2O5 40 SSP 250 33
K2O 40 MOP 66 9
(b) Hills
Rainfed condition        
N 65 Urea 140 20
P2O5 35 SSP 220 30
K2O 0 MOP 0 0
(C) Central Brahmaputra Valley Zone
Rainfed condition        
N 60 Urea 130 18
P2O5 30 SSP 190 27
K2O 30 MOP 50 7
Mustard (for All zones)
N 80 Urea 174 23
P2O5 40 SSP 250 33
K2O 30 MOP 50 7
B (for rapeseed – mustard) - Borax 7.5 1


Apply 75% N and P when seeds are inoculated with Azotobacter @ 40 g/kg seed and PSB @ 40 g/kg seed.


If SSP is not used as a source of P, sulphur @ 20 kg/ha in the form of gypsum (133 kg/ha) should beused.

NPK may be supplied in the form of mixed fertilizers. Nutrient requirements are to be adjusted according to contents in fertilizers. Rapeseed-mustard have been found to respond well to the application of borax in some agro-climatic zones of Assam. For higher yield of rapeseed and mustard in the North Bank Plains Zone, a fertilizer dose of 60:40:40 kg NPK/ha is recommended. However, the earlier doses of 40:35:15 and 40:20:20kg NPK/ha have also been recommended for those farmers who cannot afford a higher dose.

The crop booster ‘Green Harvest’ is recommended @ 25 g/10 lit of water at 30 days after sowing.


Fertilizer prescription equations can be used to find out the amount of NPK fertilizers required to obtain a certain yield target of the crop based on soil test values for NPK. The FPEs can be used under cultivation practices where only chemical fertilizers are used and where chemical fertilizers+FYM/Vermicompost/Enriched compost etc. are applied. The FPEs are valid for different varieties of the same crop having not more than 15% variations in yield. The amount of NPK fertilizers will vary according to yield target and soil test values. Yield targets must not cross the potential yield of a particular crop.

A. For Normal Sowing:

Fertilizer Prescription Equations without IPNS (Fertilizer alone)

FN = 10.37 * T - 0.39 * STVN

FP = 1.86 * T - 1.07 * STVP

FK = 4.47 * T - 0.74 * STVK

Fertilizer Prescription Equations with IPNS (Fertilizer + FYM)

FN = 10.37 * T - 0.39 * STVN - 0.58 * M

FP = 1.86 * T - 1.07 * STVP - 0.10 * M

FK = 4.47 * T - 0.74 * STVK - 0.21 * M

B. For Late Sowing:

Fertilizer Prescription Equations without IPNS (Fertilizer alone)

FN = 8.71 * T - 0.27 * STVN

FP = 5.90 * T - 3.13 * STVP

FK = 9.42 * T - 0.78 * STVK

Fertilizer Prescription Equations with IPNS (Fertilizer + FYM)

FN = 8.71 * T - 0.27 * STVN - 0.22 * M

FP = 5.90 * T - 3.13 * STVP - 0.08 * M

FK = 9.42 * T - 0.78 * STVK - 0.18 * M


where, FN,FP,FK-Fertilizer N,P2O5, K2O; STVN, STVP, STVK-Soil test values for N, P2O5, K2O, T-Targeted yield, M-IPNS component


Integrated Sulphur Management in Rapeseed (Toria)-Summer Blackgram Sequence

Apply sulphur @15 kg/ha as gypsum (100 kg /ha or 13 kg/bigha) to rapeseed only, plus 25% recommended dose of NPK in form of urea, diammonium phosphate (DAP), and muriate of potash (MOP), along with biofertilizer (Azotobacter and PSB for rapeseed and Rhizobium and PSB for blackgram @ 50 gm each /kg seed), and 2 tons FYM/ha (3q FYM/bigha) to each crop in rapeseed-blackgram sequence (Zones: All Zones).

Application of Lime:

CaCO3 in the form of dolomitic lime @ 65.5 kg/bigha should be applied 15 days before seeding and incorporated into the soil in areas where multiple cropping is practiced.

Bee Pollination:

For enhancing yield through increased pollination, 5 honey bee colonies/ha are recommended in rapeseed-mustard.

Plant Protection

Mustard Aphid (Lipaphis erysimi)


Both nymphs and adults suck the sap from leaves, buds, and pods. Infested leaves get curled, and the field looks sickly and blighted in appearance. The insect excretes honeydew, which encourages the development of black sooty mold on leaves interfering with photosynthetic activities of the plant. The Economic Threshold Level of the pest is 50 – 60 aphids per plant at flower bud initiation.

Rapeseed And Mustard


  • Early sowing by 10 – 15 days
  • Use tolerant varieties
  • Collection and destruction of affected plant parts along with aphid population
  • Set up yellow stick trap to monitor aphid population
  • Conserve the following natural enemies like ladybird beetles viz., Coccinellaseptempunctata, Menochilussexmaculata, Hippodamia variegata and Cheilomonesvicina which feeds on an average of 10-15 adults/day
  • Thiamethoxam 25 WG @ 12.5g a.i./ha or 0.3g/lit can be applied against aphid

Mustard Sawfly (Athalia lugens proxima)

Symptoms: Initially, the larva nibbles leaves, later it feeds from the margins towards the midrib and ultimately causes skeletonization of leaves leading to heavy defoliation. They devour the epidermis of the shoot, resulting in drying up of seedlings and failure to bear seeds in older plants.

Rapeseed And Mustard


  • Summer ploughing to destroy the pupae
  • Maintain clean cultivation
  • Early sowing
  • Collection and destruction of larvae
  • Need based application of insecticides including Oxydemeton methyl 25EC@ 500 ml/ha

Diamond Back Moth (Plutella xylostella)


Initially, young larvae feed on the leaves by scraping of epidermal leaf tissues leading to appearance of white patches. The affected leaves show withered appearance and later create bite holes in the leaves. The insect was also found making bore holes on developing pods and feeding the seed inside. In severe cases, the leaves are skeletonized by this insect.

Rapeseed And Mustard


  • Clean cultivation
  • Grow mustard as trap crop at 2:1 ratio (cabbage: mustard) at least 10 days ahead of planting of main crop to attract DBM and spray mustard crop with dichlorvos 76 WSC @ 0.076% to avoid dispersal of the larvae
  • Crop rotation with cucurbits, beans, peas, tomato and melon
  • Installing pheromone trap (DMB Lure) @ 10 Nos./ha
  • Collection and destruction of the larvae at gregarious stage at least twice a week
  • Conserve natural enemies like Cotesia plutellae
  • Apply cartap hydrochloride 0.5% at 10,20 and 30 days after sowing at nursery and primordial stage
  • Spray spinosad 48 SC formulation @ 45 mL per 0.15 ha @ 75 liters spray volume (0.6 mL per liter of water)
  • Flubendiamide 48 SC formulation @ 35 mL per 0.15 ha @ 75 liters spray volume (i.e. 0.5 mL per liter of water).

White Rust (Albugo candida)


  • Local infection: white/ creamy yellow raised pustules appear on the under surface of leaves.
  • Systemic infection: hypertrophy and hyperplasia resulting in malformation and distortion of floral parts.
  • Entire inflorescence is replaced by swollen sterile structure (stag head).
Rapeseed And Mustard


  • Collect and destroy infected plant debris
  • Rotation with non-cruciferous crops
  • Early sowing of the crop (1st fortnight of Oct.)
  • Grow resistant varieties

Downy Mildew (Peronospora parasitica)


  • Symptoms appear on leaves and inflorescence.
  • Greyish white irregular necrotic patches develop on the lower surface of the leaves
  • The affected inflorescence does not produce any siliqua or seed.
Rapeseed And Mustard


  • Collect and destroy infected plant debris
  • Rotation with non-cruciferous crops
  • Early sowing of the crop (in first week of October)
  • Grow resistant varieties like RC 781, PYSR 8 and PR 10

Powdery Mildew (Erisiphe cruciferarum)


  • Symptoms appear as dirty white circular patches on both sides of lower leaves.
  • The affected siliquae produce small and shrivelled seeds
Rapeseed And Mustard


  • Collect and destroy infected plant debris
  • Rotation with non-cruciferous crops
  • Spray the crop with wettable sulphur @0.2%

Alternaria Leaf Spot (Alternaria brassicae and A. brassicola)


Caused by A. brassicae, appearing as damaging spots in all rapeseed-mustard growing areas

Rapeseed And Mustard


  • Removal and destruction of infected plant debris
  • Spray with Chlorothalonil 75% WP @ 2g/l of water

Harvest And Post Management

The crop is ready for harvest when 75-80% siliquae turn yellow. The crop is harvested by pulling out whole plants or cutting by sickle.The crop is liable to shattering, hence it should be harvested just before the pods open in order to avoid losses. Sarson is less liable to shattering as compared to toria and mustard. The harvested crop should be stacked in threshing floor for 5- days before threshing. The threshed grain is separated from the husk with the help of slow-moving natural air current. Cleaned seed must be dried in the sun for four to five days or till the moisture content comes down to 8 percent.

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