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Potato (Solanum tuberosum)

Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is the world; most important vegetable crop, capable of ensuring food security in the face of mounting demand. With 381 million tons produced annually, it is the world fourth most important food crop, after wheat (729 million tons), rice (741 million tons), and corn (1037 million tons), (Ruan et al, 2021), but ranks first among the non-cereal crops. Potato is a wholesome food in terms of its high nutritive value, energy, dry matter per unit area and time compared to cereals and its capacity to ensure food and nutritional security of the world.

The cultivation area available for potato across India during the fiscal year 2023 is estimated to have amounted to approximately 2.35 million hectares. In the fiscal year 2023, the volume of potato produced across India was estimated to be around 59.74 million metric tons. This was an increase of over three million metric tons from the previous fiscal year. The majority of the Indian potatoes came from the northern state of Uttar Pradesh.

Potato is one of the most important crops of Assam occupying 1,03,812 ha producing 6,94,002 tons with an average yield of 66.85 q/ha. As compared to the national average, the productivity is far below, and many causes can be attributed to this dismal performance of the crop. Among them, non-availability of quality seed tubers of high-yielding improved varieties is the most important one. Use of low inputs, lack of irrigation facilities, incidence of pests and diseases, especially late blight are the challenges faced by the potato farmers of the state. So far as the land suitability is concerned, the crop is grown in a variety of soil right from clay loam to sandy loam soils of the Brahmaputra valley where the majority of the soil falls in acidic range. Generally, it is seen that potatoes are cultivated in two land situations, viz, upland situation (mainly after summer/kharif vegetables) and medium lowland to lowland situation (in post sali (winter rice) areas. Since the planting window of the crop is short (Mid Oct to Mid Nov) farmers must prepare and plant the crop within a short period of time. But in post-rice situation, i.e. after harvesting of kharif paddy planting delays up to mid-December in many places. This has created a reduction of potato productivity. This is more pronounced in areas where long-duration rice varieties like Ranjit, Ranjit Sub-1, Bahadur, Bahadur Sub-1, Gitesh are grown. Few alterations in the selection of medium-duration (130 days) varieties in such areas with varieties like, Numoli, Dholi, Shraboni, etc may give some time to make an advance in planting time in post-rice situation. For this purpose, awareness, training, and supply of medium-duration varieties to farmers may be taken up. The use of machines (mechanization) is an important intervention, especially in rice harvesting and land preparation for the second crop (potato) will give added advantage to the farmers. Considering this aspect extension strategies may be initiated.


Nutritional Profile

Potatoes are the best source of carbohydrate content (approximately 26 grams). The predominant form of this carbohydrate is starch. A small but significant portion of this starch is resistant to digestion by enzymes in the stomach and small intestine, and so reaches the large intestine essentially intact. This resistant starch is considered to have similar physiological effects and health benefits as fiber: it provides bulk, offers protection against colon cancer, improves glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity, lowers plasma cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations, increases satiety, and possibly even reduces fat storage.

The amount of resistant starch in potatoes depends much on preparation methods. Cooking and then cooling potatoes significantly increases resistant starch. For example, cooked potato starch contains about 7% resistant starch, which increases to about 13% upon cooling.

Potatoes contain vitamins and minerals that have been identified as vital to human nutrition. Humans can subsist healthily on a diet of potatoes and milk; the latter supplies Vitamin A and Vitamin D. A medium potato (150g) with the skin provides 27 mg of vitamin C (45% of the Daily Value (DV)), 620 mg of potassium (18% of DV), 0.2 mg vitamin B6 (10% of DV) and trace amounts of thiamin, riboflavin, folate, niacin, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and zinc. Moreover, the fiber content of a potato with skin (2 grams) equals that of many whole grain breads, pastas, and cereals. Potatoes also contain an assortment of phytochemicals, such as carotenoids and polyphenols. The notion that “all of the potato’s nutrients” are found in the skin is an urban legend. While the skin does contain approximately half of the total dietary fiber, more than 50% of the nutrients are found within the potato itself. The cooking method used can significantly impact the nutrient availability of the potato.

Almost all the protein content of a potato is contained in a thin layer just under its skin. This is evident when the skin of a boiled potato is carefully peeled; it appears as a yellowish film. For maximum utilization of this small, but valuable dietary source of protein, potatoes should be consumed whole, or peeled after cooking.

Potatoes are often broadly classified as high on the glycemic index (GI) and so are often excluded from the diets of individuals trying to follow a “low GI” eating regimen. In fact, the GI of potatoes can vary considerably depending on type, origin (where it was grown), preparation methods (i.e., cooking method, whether it is eaten hot or cold, whether it is mashed or cubed or consumed whole, etc), and with what it is consumed.

Area and Productivity

Total area of potato in India is 2203000 Ha (2020-21) and production is 56173000 Tonne (2020-21)

Climatic Requirements

Potato is a temperate climate crop; however, it grows under a diverse range of climatic conditions. It is grown only under such conditions where the temperature during the growing seasons is moderately cool. The vegetative growth of the plant is best at a temperature of 24°C while tuber development is favoured at 20°C. Potato seed tubers generally take 10 days to three weeks to sprout depending on the dormancy of seed potatoes and the soil temperature When the temperature rises above 30°C, tubers stop growing This is because of respiratory speed rises with rising body temperature. Photosynthesis-produced carbohydrates are used up during the process rather than being retained in the tubers. Thus, at higher temperatures, tuber development is impacted. The optimal soil temperature for the development of potato tubers is 17-19°C. The ideal conditions for potato growth are chilly nights and bright sunshine during the day.

Suitable Soil Type

Potato is grown on a wide range of soil in India Loamy soil, sandy loam, silt loam, clay soil, and other types of soil can all be used to grow potatoes. To reduce resistance to tuber enlargement, the soil should be loose Fertile and well-drained soil are prerequisites for good crop of potato. Acidic soil with a pH range of 4.8 to 5.4 is needed for potato growing The potato is within the category of the cool-weather crop. A pulse crop may preferably be included in rotation to improve the soil condition. This helps in eliminating many soil pest including red ant damage

Recommended Varieties

Varieties (as per PoP)
Name Duration (days) Yield (q/ha) Plant characters Tuber characters Tolerance to diseases
Rainfed Irrigated
Kufri Chandramukhi 80-100 85-100 150-160 Medium tall, erect Oval, slightly curved, skin white, eyes flat Leaf roll & virus Y
Kufri Jyoti 110-120 85-100 150-160 Tall, erect Oval, flat, skin white, eyes flat, flesh dull white Late blight
Kufri Megha 100-120 120-150 175-200 Tall, erect White round oval tubers of medium size, white eyes, Flesh dull white, good keeping quality & no tuber cracking Late blight resistant
Kufri Pukhraj 60-75 145 200-250 Medium, erect Easy to cook; Texture-waxy texture; Free from after cooking discoloration Moderately resistant to Late blight & tolerant to viruses
Kufri Khyati 60-75 200-250 250-350 Tall (80-85 CM), erect Oval, Pale yellow, medium compact, vigorous Moderately tolerant to Late blight & tolerant to viruses

Potato variety Kufri Megha can be grown late (up to Mid-December) in Upper Brahmaputra Valley Zone

Varieties introduced through APART
Variety Climatic Zones Duration Sowing Time Seasons Yield (t/ha) Salient Features
Kufri Surya NBPZ, UBVZ, CBVZ, LBVZ, BVZ, HZ Early October Rabi 25-30 Tolerant to heat and hopper burn, and suitable for early planting, very good keeping quality
Kufri Himalini NBPZ, LBVZ, BVZ, HZ Medium October, November Rabi 30-35 Resistant to late blight, and good yield in both hills & plains
Kufri Chipsona-3 NBPZ, UBVZ, CBVZ, LBVZ Medium October, November Rabi 30-35 Resistant to late blight and suitable for chips & French fries
Kufri Mohan NBPZ, CBVZ, LBVZ, BVZ Early to Medium October, November Rabi 35-40 High marketable tuber yield, moderately resistant to late blight

Agronomic Practices

Field Preparation

Field should be thoroughly ploughed to obtain a good tilth. It should be leveled for uniform distribution of irrigation water or to maintain soil moisture uniformly under rainfed situation. The furrows should be prepared at 60 cm apart. About 20 cm spacing should be maintained between two tubers in rows.

Method of Planting

The sprouted tubers should be planted in furrows with sprouts facing upward. Care should be taken to avoid sprout damage during handling the tubers.

Seed Selection

Virus free, healthy, medium-sized sprouted tubers are to be selected for planting. Ideal size is about 2.5 cm in diameter (25-40 g). Bigger-sized tubers may be cut into pieces longitudinally with 2-3 eyes in each piece.

Seed Sources

Certified seeds of the recommended varieties are to be procured from Govt. or other recognized agencies.

Seed Treatment

In case of cut seeds, the pieces are to be dipped in carboxin @ 2g in 1 litre of water for about 10 minutes. After treatment, the seeds are to be spread thinly and dried under shade for 48 hours, or should be covered with moist gunny bags for 2-3 days for tuberization.

Seed Rate

The seed requirement is 22.5-25 q/ha when the size of the tubers is about 2.5 cm in diameter (about 25 g) and planted with an intra-row spacing of 15 cm. Intra-row spacing is increased with bigger-sized tubers.

Nutrient Management

Ten tonnes or 5 truckloads or 20 cart loads of well decomposed FYM should be applied per hectare in the furrows before planting.

Nutrient Requirement (kg/ha) Form Fertilizer Requirement
kg/ha kg/bigha
N 60 Urea 133 19
P2O5 50 SSP 312 45
K2O 50 MOP 83 12
N 120 Urea 266 38
P2O5 100 SSP 624 90
K2O 100 MOP 168 24

Entire quantity of fertilizers should be applied in furrows as basal application and be covered with a thin layer of soil so that tubers do not come into direct contact with the fertilizers. The crop booster ‘Green Harvest’ is recommended @ 25 g/10 lit of water at 30 days after planting.


Application of mulching under rain situations increases tuber yield. Generally, water hyacinth is applied to cover the entire field after planting of tubers under the flatbed method. However, the skin of the tubers may turn green due to exposure to sunlight or shrinkage of mulching materials on drying. Tubers become unsuitable for consumption due to greening; however, quantities may be reduced by applying mulching materials in furrows just after planting of tubers, immediately.

Water Management

The furrow method of irrigation should be adopted. Three irrigations should be applied: first at 25 days (stolon formation stage), second at 60 days (tuber formation stage), and third at 80 days (tuber development stage) after emergence of sprouts. In case of application of mulching materials in furrows, only two irrigations are to be applied at 25 and 60 days after emergence of sprouts. At the time of application of irrigation, care should be taken not to submerge the ridges completely.

Weed Management

Earthing up is to be done just before the first and second irrigation. Under rainfed conditions, this should be done at stolon and tuber formation stages. One or two interculture operations may be necessary when weed infestation is high. Apply metribuzine @ 0.75 kg/ha (100 g/bigha) at 10% plant to get optimum weed control.

Plant Protection


Causal organism: Agrotis ipsilon

Why and where it occurs: Persistent dry weather with lesser or no rainfall, reduced humidity & 16-23°C temperature favor the pests.

How to identify:

  • These pests damage plants and tubers during the dark.
  • They attack young plants by severing their stems, pulling all parts of the plant into the ground and devouring them.
  • Plants with severed stems have difficulty growing again.
  • This pest can cause serious damage, particularly when crops are at 25–35 days after planting.
  • Damage on tubers are boreholes larger than those made by potato tuber moths.
Cultural control:
  • Flood the infested fields.
  • Handpick and destroy the larvae in morning and evening hours.
  • Plough the soil during summer months to expose larvae and pupae to the predators.
  • Attracting cutworm larvae using rice bran – heaps of rice bran should be placed in several places in the late afternoon. The larva can be removed from the rice bran on the next day and destroyed.
Mechanical control:
  • Use of light trap @1 no.s/ ha.
  • Pheromone traps @12 no.s/ ha to attract the male moths.
Biological control:
  • Encourage build-up of natural enemy population in the field.
  • Parasitoids: Trichogramma spp., Tetrastichus spp., Telenomus spp., Bracon spp., Campoletis spp., Chelonus spp., Ichneumon spp., Carcelia spp. etc.
  • Predators: Lacewing, ladybird beetle, spider, red ant, dragonfly, robber fly, reduviid bug, praying mantis, King crow etc.
Chemical control
  • Spray insecticides like chlorantraniliprole 0.4 G @ 10 kg/ha or neem oil @ 3%

White Grub

Causal organism: Holotrichia spp.

Why and where it occurs: Moist soil, especially with high content of decaying organic matter, favors the availability of the pest.

How to identify:
  • The grubs initially feed on rootlets/roots and then on tubers.
  • The first-stage grubs feed on live roots while the second and third instar grubs make large, shallow, and circular holes in the tuber.
  • Tubers damaged by white grub have irregular holes. More than two holes are often found in one tuber. These holes are not so deep, as white grubs do not enter and live inside.
Cultural control:
  • Summer ploughing to expose pupae.
  • Proper drainage in the field.
  • Crop rotation should be followed.
  • Mechanical control:
  • Handpick adult beetles in the morning.
  • Set up light trap @1/ha between 7 PM and 9 PM.
  • Biological control:
  • Encourage natural enemy population in the field.
  • Spores of the pathogens Bacillus popilliae, B. lentimorbus, and Metarhizium anisopliae can be used to inoculate the soil.
  • Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) can be sprayed at the rate of 1 billion nematodes per acre, in white grub infested fields.
  • Chemical control:
  • Dust chlorantraniliprole 0.4 G @ 10 kg/ha at 10 days after first summer rain.

Potato Tuber Moth

Causal organism: Pthorimaea operculella

Why and where it occurs: It is the most widely distributed pest of potato in the world. It is usually found in warm climates for overwinter survival and considered a subtropical pest.

How to identify:

  • It is a pest of both field and storage.
  • Adults are small narrow-winged moths, greyish-brown forewings, and hind wings are dirty white.
  • Eggs are laid singly on the ventral surface of foliage and exposed tubers.
  • Larva tunnels into foliage, stem, and tubers.
  • Galleries are formed near tuber eyes.
Cultural control:
  • Select healthy tubers.
  • Avoid shallow planting of tubers. Plant the tubers to a depth at 10 - 15 cm deep.
  • Adopt intercropping with chilies, onion, or peas.
Cultural control:
  • Select healthy tubers.
  • Avoid shallow planting of tubers. Plant the tubers to a depth at 10 - 15 cm deep.
  • Adopt intercropping with chilies, onion, or peas.
Mechanical control:
  • Install pheromone traps at 15/ha.
  • Collect and destroy all the infested tubers from the field.
  • Do not leave the harvested tubers in the field overnight.
  • Do earthing up at 60 days after planting to avoid female moths laying eggs on the exposed tubers.
  • Cover the upper surface of potato tubers with the branches of Lantana and Eupatorium to repel the ovipositing moth in the godown.
Biological control:
  • Release of egg larval parasitoid: Chelonus blackburnii @30,000/ha twice at 40 and 70 days after planting.
  • Spray Bacillus thuringiensis @1 kg/ha at 10 days’ interval.
  • Spray NSKE @5%.

Chemical control:

  • Spray Chlorantraniliprole 0.4 G @ 10 kg/ha to manage foliar damage.


Causal organism: Myzus persicae

Why and where it occurs: Relative humidity of 66% and 11–14°C temperature are ideal for this pest. Its population sharply decreases with an increase in RH over 73%.

How to identify:
  • Potato aphid colonies are composed of both adults and offspring closely clustered together, usually on the youngest leaves.
  • The potato aphid may occur alone or in colonies with green peach aphid.
  • Aphids suck sap of plants, as a result of which leaves turn pale, wither, and dry up.
  • Pest also transmits various viral diseases like potato virus x, y, etc., to potato plants.
  • Adults are wingless and small in size.
Cultural control:
  • Use healthy seed.
Biological control:
  • Release of a huge amount of predators like coccinellid beetles in the field to control this pest.
  • Sprays of azadirachtin, insecticidal soaps, or selected entomopathogenic fungi on the crop.
Chemical control:
  • Spraying of flubendiamide 39.35% SC @ 0.1% to control the aphid population.

In areas where infestation of red ant and other soil insects are common, application of thiamethoxam 25WG @ 26 g a.i./ha and clothianidin 50 WDG @ 80 g a.i./ha is effective. Application of mustard oil cake @ 150 kg/ha at the time of earthing up reduces red ant and white ant infestation to a great extent.

Late Blight of Potato

Causal Organism: Phytophthora infestans

Why and where it occurs:

  • High humidity along with low temperature and leaf wetness favors the disease.
  • The infected tubers and the infected soil may serve as a source of primary infection.
  • The diseased tubers are mainly responsible for persistence of the disease from crop to crop.
  • The airborne infection is caused by the sporangia.
  • The first symptom of late blight appears on the lower leaves where the microclimate is more humid.

How to identify:

  • It affects leaves, stems, and tubers. Water-soaked spots appear on leaves, increase in size, turn purple-brown & finally black color.
  • White growth develops on the underside of leaves.
  • This spreads to petioles, rachis, & stems.
  • Stem breaks at the point of infestation, and the plant topples over.
  • In tubers, purplish-brown spots spread to the entire surface and on cutting, the affected tuber shows rusty brown necrosis spreading from surface to the center.


Cultural control:
  • Provide irrigation at critical stages of the crop.
  • Avoid waterlogging.
  • Avoid storing visibly infected tubers.
  • Grow resistant varieties.
  • Use short-duration varieties.
  • Destruction of the foliage or weeds.
Chemical control:
  • Spraying with chlorothalonil 75% WP @ 2 g/L of water should be done to prevent infection of tubers plot technique is followed appropriately.
  • Against late blight, six spraying with copper oxychloride 50WP @ 2 g commercial formulation /lit at an interval of 12 days. Or spraying with dimethomorph 50WP @ 1g commercial formulation per lit followed by copper oxychloride 50WP @ 2g commercial formulation per lit in alternate application (3 sprays with the dimethomorph & 3 with copper oxychloride) at an interval of 12 days give very good control if used at the following rates with a high-volume sprayer.
  • The first spray should be given 40-45 days after planting (canopy closure stage). Use of sticker Triton (0.5 ml/lit) will be essential in the spray solution for spraying during rainy weather.
  • Depending upon weather conditions, particularly in cloudy weather, copper oxychloride should be sprayed as a prophylactic measure. If the disease appears, spraying should be done at an interval of 7 to 10 days depending upon weather conditions. While spraying, care should be taken to ensure wetting of the lower sides of the leaves

Early Blight of Potato

Causal Organism:Alternaria solani
Why and where it occurs:
  • Warm, humid (24-29°C) environmental conditions are conducive to infection.
  • In the presence of free moisture and an optimum of 28-30°C, conidia will germinate in approximately 40 min.
  • Desiccated germ tubes are able to renew growth when re-wetted, and hence, infection can occur under conditions of alternating wet and dry periods.
  • Infection of potato tubers usually occurs through wounds in the tuber skin inflicted during harvest.
  • Wet conditions at harvest provide a favorable environment for spore germination.

How to identify:

  • First observed on the plants as small, black lesions mostly on the older foliage.
  • Spots enlarge, and by the time they are one-fourth inch in diameter or larger, concentric rings in a bull's eye pattern can be seen in the center of the diseased area.
  • Tissue surrounding the spots may turn yellow, and if high temperature and humidity occur at this time, much of the foliage is killed.
  • Lesions on the stems are similar to those on leaves, sometimes girdling of the plant occurs if they are near the soil.
  • Shot holes on fruits.


Cultural control:
  • Disease-free seed tubers should be taken for planting.
  • Removal and destruction of infected plant debris to reduce the infection.
  • Avoid irrigation in cool, cloudy periods or late in the evening when foliage may stay wet for extended periods.
  • Grow resistant varieties.
Chemical control:
  • Very early spraying with chlorothalonil 75% WP @ 2 g/L of water and repeating it for every 15 – 20 days gives effective control.

Common Scab of Potato

Causal Organism: Streptomyces scabies

Why and where it occurs:

  • Disease is common in fields with low soil pH favored.
  • Common scab is greatly suppressed in soils with a pH of 5.2 or lower. However, tubers grown in acidic soil may develop scab-like lesions.
  • Disease problems may be aggravated by excessive irrigation.

How to identify:

  • Corkiness of the tuber periderm is the characteristic symptom.
  • 1/4 inch into the tuber surface are rosette appearance.
  • Slightly pitted on the infected tuber.
  • Light brown to dark brown lesions appear on the infected tuber.
  • Affected tissue will attract insects.


Cultural control:
  • Only scab-free seed potatoes should be planted.
  • Crop rotation.
  • Four to six years crop rotation with alfalfa under irrigated conditions.
  • Green manuring should be done in the fields before planting potatoes.
  • Application of alkaline fertilizers like calcium ammonium nitrate should be avoided because this disease is severe in alkaline soil.
Chemical control:
  • Infection of the seed tubers can be removed by dipping in mercuric chloride 0.1% solution for 1.5h or 2h in 1 part of formaldehyde in 240 parts of water and be used for 3-4 successive years if seed plot technique is followed appropriately.

Harvest And Post Management

Practices for On-farm Storage of Seed Potatoes

  • Harvest seed tubers from fully matured potato crops.
  • Among the different tuber grades, small-sized (5-15g) tubers can be kept suitably in on-farm stores compared to big-sized tubers (>20g).
  • Loading density of 75g/m2 proved beneficial than higher loading density for stored tubers under traditional stores.
  • Seed potatoes collected from the main field should be cured properly for 10-15 days in cool place and then treat the healthy tubers with 3% boric acid for 30 min followed by 0.2% copper oxychloride for 20 min. After shade drying, the tubers should be loaded in the bamboo rakes fitted in the store.
  • After shade drying, the tubers should be loaded in the bamboo racks fitted in the store.
  • Use a 4cm thick layer of shade-dried 'Neem' or Eucalyptus leaves under and over the tubers.
  • Stored potatoes should be covered with mosquito nets in PTM endemic areas.
  • Frequent inspection of the tubers in the store is essential. Remove the rotten tubers periodically.
  • Sprout breaking during August is essential in order to minimize over-shrinkage and shriveling of tubers.

Package Of Practices For Growing Of Potato Crop From true Potato Seeds

The potato crop can be grown from True Potato Seeds (TPS). The three methods are as follows:

Transplanted Crop:

Seedlings are transplanted in the field after raising in the nursery. About 70% of the total produce is marketable and the remaining quantity of small-sized tubers is used as seedling materials in subsequent seasons.

Tuberlet Production:

TPS are sown in nursery beds and 70-80% is produced as tuberlets, which are used as planting materials.

Planting of Tuberlet:

Mainly commercial tubers are produced on planting of tuberlets, though tuberlets can be used as planting materials during subsequent years.

Varieties Transplanted crops (q/ha) Tuberlet production from direct seeding (q/ha) Tuberlets as planting materials (q/ha)
HPS 1/13 229 265 314
HPS 7/67 251 276 282
HPS 11/13 220 231 294
TPS C-3 257 290 308

Characteristics of the Varieties:
  1. Resistant to Late Blight disease
  2. Reduced pathogen transmission
  3. Higher yield potential
  4. Tuber space may be round and oval
  5. Skin smooth with fleet and medium deep eyes
Transplanted Crop: Preparation of Nursery Bed for Raising Seedling
  • Make the nursery beds of one-meter breadth and of convenient length (preferably 3 m).
  • Prepare a raised nursery bed by filling 7-8 cm with soil, FYM substrate. Prepare the substrate for the seedbed by mixing sterilized soil and well-rotten and dried FYM or compost or bio-gas slurry in a 1:1 ratio. Apply fertilizer @ 4-5 g N, 6-8 g P2O5 and 10 g K2O/ sq.m in the substrate and mix thoroughly. After 2-3 days, the bed is ready for sowing of TPS. The soil could be sterilized by drenching the soil with 4% formalin followed by covering with polythene or locally available materials (like banana leaf/ straw etc.) for 72 hrs. and then remove the cover.
  • Cover the top of the nursery beds with 2-3 cm thick layer of finely sieved FYM. Thus the nursery bed is raised to about 10 cm from the field level.
Seedling Raising:
  • Prepare the seeds for sowing in nursery during the 1st week of October (TPS germinate well when the daily minimum temperature touches 20°C and maximum temperature is 30°C).
  • Soak the TPS in water for 24 hrs. and then incubate in FYM + soil mixture (1:1) for 2-3 days. Pre-germinated seeds are to be sown in the nursery bed.
  • Lightly irrigate the nursery beds a day before TPS sowing to keep the bed in moist conditions.
  • Sow the pre-germinated TPS in 0.5 cm deep furrows drawn 10 cm apart across the breadth of the bed @ 2 g seeds/sq.m and cover these with a 0.5 cm layer of finely sieved FYM. Seedlings raised per 10 sq. m nursery can cover 1500-1600 sq. m area. About 120g TPS and a nursery bed area of 75 sq. m are required for raising seedlings for transplanting in one hectare. Sprinkle water on the seedbeds 2-3 times a day for about a week after sowing the TPS using a sprayer or a gardener’s water can to keep the seedbed moist (avoid excess water). Care should be taken so that seeds are not distributed during irrigation and to avoid runoff waters. Subsequently, sprinkle water once or twice a day.
  • Protect the nursery beds from direct bright sunlight by providing thatch grass shade during mid-day for 10-12 days after sowing. Remove the cover in the late afternoon and put it by morning (8-10 am). However, shade should be provided to protect the seedlings from rain whenever necessary.
  • The nursery bed should be weed-free.
  • After the germination is completed and the leaves start emerging (around 10 days), spray the seedlings every 4-5 days’ interval with 0.1% urea (prepared by dissolving 1g urea in 1 litre of water) till these are ready (4-5 leaf stage) for transplanting. The seedlings are ready for transplanting after 25-30 days of sowing.

Field Preparation and Seedling Transplanting:
  • Prepare the field as per normal recommended practice.
  • Basal application (broadcasting) of N, P2O5, and K2O (60:100: 100 kg/ha) at the last round of field preparation. Apply FYM @ 10 t/ha during field preparation.
  • Prepare the ridge at 50 cm apart in the East-West direction. Irrigate the furrows one day before transplanting of seedlings. However, irrigation may not be applied if sufficient moisture (around field capacity) remains in the soil, particularly on ridges.
  • Carefully uproot the seedlings from nursery beds and carry them to the field in a basket. Transplant one seedling per hill in north-facing ridges at 10 cm spacing. Transplanting should be done preferably in the afternoon.
  • Irrigate the furrows after transplanting to keep the soil moisture in the root zone (ridge) at field capacity. While irrigating, care should be taken not to submerge the seedlings. Irrigate the crop every third/fourth day subject to the moisture condition of the soil, till the seedlings get established. Thereafter, the frequency of irrigation can be restricted to one in 8-10 days.
  • Gap filling should be done within a week of transplanting.
  • Spray 0.2% dursban on the 4th day after transplanting to protect the seedlings from cutworms.
  • Light manual interculture operation (using khurpi) to be performed at about 10 days to loosen the soils in the root zone.
  • Earthing up should be done 20-25 days along with the application of 25 kg of N/ha. Care should be taken during earthing up so that seedlings come to lie in the center of the ridges and maximum nodes are covered with soil leaving open the top 5-6 upper leaves.
  • Second earthing up should be done at tuborization stage (45-50 days). The remaining cultural operations to be followed are similar to standard cultivation practices for the potato crop. However, fungicides should be applied only when disease symptoms are visible on the leaves.
  • De-haulm the crop after 105-110 days of transplanting.
  • Harvesting is done 10-12 days after dehaulming.
Seedling Tuber Production:

To produce seedling tubers, follow the procedure below:

  • Add NPK fertilizers @ 60:100:100 kg/ha to the FYM substrate and mix properly.
  • Irrigate the nursery beds a day before sowing of TPS.
  • Mark the rows in the nursery beds at 10 cm inter-row distance. Sow 2-3 seeds at 10 cm intra-row distance at a depth of 0.5 cm and cover them with a 0.5 cm thick layer of fine sieved FYM.
  • Irrigate the seedbed twice or thrice a day or as needed for a week after sowing, using a water cane or sprayer, ensuring that the soil is kept moist (field capacity) without any runoff water. Subsequently, irrigate once or twice a day to keep the beds moist.
  • Provide shade initially as mentioned in earlier methods to protect from rain, bright sunshine, etc.
  • After 10 days of emergence, spray the seedlings with 0.1% urea on every third or fourth day for boosting up the growth and vigor of the seedlings. Spraying of urea solution should be stopped when the seedlings become vigorous.
  • When the seedlings attain a height of 15cm, cover the lower-most three internodes of the seedlings with additional quantities of substrate mixture and repeat the earthing up three times at an interval of 7-8 days.
  • Proper and timely weeding is essential. Follow the usual cultural irrigation, plant protection, etc.
  • Cut haulm at the age of 90-95 days.
  • Harvest the seedling tubers after 12-15 days of haulm cutting.
Cultivation of Potato Crop from Tuberlets:

The seedling tubers produced either by direct seeding of TPS or from the transplanted potato crop are planted in the field in the next season. The method is similar to the recommended conventional cultivation practices of the potato crop, except the spacing according to seed rate and seed size.

Tuberlet size (g) Inter-row spacing (cm) Seed rate (q/ha)
20-40 20 25
10-20 15 17
5-10 10 12

In case of 5g, two tuberlets should be planted. Moreover, seedling tubers (tuberlets) can be used for 3-4 successive years if the seed plot technique is followed appropriately.

Zero- tillage potato cultivation technology in Assam

Zero- tillage potato cultivation technology means that planting can happen immediately after the paddy harvest, with no land preparation, earthing-up, or digging of the soil at harvest. It conserves soil moisture and extends the days available for potato cultivation to fit in the short window between the two rice seasons and above all does not compromise yield compared to using conventional methods. It also enables farmers to save about 30% on cultivation costs.

Conventionally, farmers wait for about a month after the paddy harvest to prepare land for potato cultivation which further shortens the available window and means the crop faces a delay in planting and harvesting. From February to March the temperature starts to rise which impacts yield and the storability of the crop.

ZTRM allows farmers to eliminate the time required for land preparation and is useful for sowing potatoes within a few days of rice harvesting. Moreover, it is a technology that eliminates the entire cost of land tillage and digging and significantly reduces the costs of inputs and labor (Table 1). It is a quite simple and cost-effective technology for farmers to use and it also means that a long- duration potato variety can fit into the available time window quite easily. Another big advantage of ZTRM is the availability of rice straw after paddy harvest which can be used for potato cultivation rather than burned, creating an additional benefit for both the farmers and the environment.

Zero-tillage with rice mulch technology

One of the basic requirements for zero-tillage with rice mulch (ZTRM) is the availability of plenty of soil moisture at the time of planting. Moisture content in Assam soils is high and the evaporation rate is low because of prevailing high humidity. Rice mulch further reduces soil surface evaporation. As a result, in many areas crops can be grown without any irrigation or with one or two very light irrigations.

Immediately after the rice harvest, potato crops can be planted as no soil tillage or other preparations are required. Well-sprouted seed tubers are placed directly on the soil in rows at 50 x 25 cm spacing, while farmyard manure is placed on the tubers and chemical fertilizers are placed between the rows of tubers. All chemical fertilizers are applied as a basal dose at the time of planting. After 30 days of plant growth, water-soluble fertilizers and micronutrients are applied as foliar spray (Table 2). Tubers are covered with a 15-20 cm thick layer of paddy straw or 4-5 kg of rice straw/m2. For mulching one bigha of the zero-tillage potato crop, rice straw from 3 bighas can be used. Potato plants come out of the rice straw in 15-20 days and rapidly grow to cover the entire available area. Weed growth is practically nil due to the thick rice mulch. Needs-based chemicals or bio-pesticides are applied. Mulching results in a 90% reduction in cutworm incidence and the onset of late blight is also delayed due to changes in the crop’s microclimate. The crop is harvested after 75 to 90 days by removing the mulch and picking the tubers from the soil surface. Again, no digging of the soil is required – see Images 1, 2, and 3.

Table 1. Comparison cultivation costs: Conventional tillage v zero tillage per bigha (1,333m2)
S.No. Input Cost on Particular Conventional Potato Crop Zero-Tillage Potato Crop Remarks
1 Rice harvesting 0 0 Attention required in zero tillage
2 Field preparational cost 3200 0  
3 Sowing of seed potatoes & basal fertilizer application 2100 1200  
4 Rice straw mulching 0 900 Straw management
5 Weeding and earthing-up 2 times 800 0  
6 Irrigation 2 times 900 0 (Labor - irrigation cost)
7 Application of fertilizer (split) 500 500 Foliar application 2-3 times in zero tillage case
8 Plant protection 600 500  
9 Harvesting 1900 1200  
10 Seed input 300 kg @32/kg 9600 9600  
11 Fertilizers inputs 3400 3200  
12 Pesticides inputs 1000 900  
Total cost of cultivation per bigha 24000 18000 Unpaid family labor costs included
Total cost of cultivation per ha 180000 135000  
Other benefits
  Low input cost: labor, fertilizer & pesticides Best straw management & utilization 10-15 days early harvesting Enhance soil fertility and eco-friendly (low carbon credit technology)
Table 2. Fertilizer requirement per bigha (1,333m2)
S. No. Particulars Unit Quantity (kg)
1 Potato seed tubers kg 250
3 Urea (N12 per bigha) kg 25
4 SSP (P13 per bigha) kg 80
5 MOP (K15 per bigha) kg 25
6 Mustard oil cake kg 15
7 Farmyard manure (cow dung) kg 2500
8 Zinc sulfate (21%) kg 2
9 Boron kg 0.5
10 Seaweed extract 28% (w/w) growth promoter kg 2
11 PSB kg 0.5
14 Magnesium sulfate (foliar spray) (0.5%) kg 0.5
15 NPK 19:19:19 (foliar spray) (0.5%) kg 0.5
16 Potassium nitrate 13:0:45 (foliar spray) (0.5%) kg 1
17 Sulfate of potash 00:00:50 (foliar spray) (0.5%) kg 0.5
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