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Grass pea (Khesari) (Lathyrus sativus L.)

Grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) is a dual purpose annual legume grown for its seeds for human consumption, and fodder for livestock feeding. Grass pea is one of the preferred legume seeds in low fertility soils and arid areas because of its outstanding tolerance of dry soil conditions, but it contains a toxic component (ODAP) that may cause paralysis in humans and livestock if consumed in excessive amounts. Grass pea has a variable habit and can be trailing or climbing. It is many-branched with slender stems up to 60 cm in height. It has a deep and strong taproot. The leaves are pinnate, opposite, encompassing 2 pairs of leaflets and a terminal tendril. The leaflets are sessile, linear-lanceolate, 5-7.5 cm long x 1 cm broad.

Grass Pea

Nutritional Profile

The nutritional value of khesari (Lathyrus sativus), a grain legume, is also used for growing and laying pullets. Chemical analyses indicated khesari to be high in crude protein (283g/kg) and low in fat (12.0g/kg) with estimated true metabolizable energy concentration of 12.0MJ/kg.

  • Protein - 31.9%
  • Carbohydrate - 53.9%
  • Fat - 0.9%
  • Ash - 3.2%

Area and Productivity

Area & Productivity

Climatic Requirements

Being a winter season crop it prefers temperate climate with good adoption under climatic extremities. Generally, crop requires 15° to 25°C temperatures during sowing to harvesting of crop

Suitable Soil Type

Sandy loam and clay loam soils are suitable.

Recommended Varieties

Recommended Varieties:
Variety Year of Release Duration (days) Seed Yield (q/ha) Agro-climatic Zone Special Features
Ratan (BioL 212) 1997 110-120 10-12 All zones (except Hills Zone & Barak Valley Zone) Negligible ODAP content, suitable for utera cultivation
Prateek 2006 115-120 10 CBVZ, LBVZ, NBPZ Low ODAP (0.109%) and tolerant to wilt and powdery mildew, aphid, pod borer & bruchid
Mahateora 2008 115-120 10 CBVZ, LBVZ, NBPZ Low ODAP (0.074%) and tolerant to wilt and powdery mildew, aphid, pod borer & bruchid
  • Soil type: Sandy loam and clay loam soils are suitable.
  • Sowing time: Mid-October to mid-November.
  • Land preparation: The field is to be ploughed 3-4 times to obtain a good tilth.
  • Seed rate: 40 kg/ha or 5.3 kg/bigha for sole crop.
  • Spacing: A spacing of 30cm between rows and 10cm between plants should be maintained.
  • Fertilizer: Compost @ 1 t/ha (1.33 q/bigha) should be applied.

Agronomic Practices

Nutrient Requirement (kg/ha) Form Fertilizer Requirement (kg/ha) Fertilizer Requirement (kg/bigha)
A. Without Rhizobium culture
N 15 Urea 33 4.5
P2O5 35 SSP 220 30
K2O 15 MOP 25 3.3
B. With Rhizobium culture
N 10 Urea 22 3
P2O5 35 SSP 220 30
K2O 15 MOP 25 3.3

Diammonium phosphate (DAP) @ 75 kg/ha or 10 kg/bigha is to be applied in lieu of urea and SSP in non-inoculated crop. NPK may also be applied in the form of mixed fertilizer.

Seed Inoculation:

Seed Inoculation with Rhizobium Culture: Seeds are to be moistened with clean water avoiding excess wetting and culture @ 50 g/kg kg of seeds and PSB @ 50 g/ kg seed are to be inoculated.


Hoeing in inter-row spaces and weeding at 20-25 days after sowing.

Relay cropping of grass pea (Khesari) with winter rice:

Land situation: Medium land

Sowing time: 15-20 days before the harvest of winter rice, when the soil is in moist condition.

Method of sowing: Broadcast

Seed rate: 50-60 kg/ha or 6.7-8 kg/bigha

Seed priming: Soaking of seeds in water for 6 hrs.


Without Rhizobium and PSP inoculation:

  • Application of 7.5 kg N and 17.5 kg P2O5/ha at the time of sowing before rice harvest.
  • Application of second dose @ 7.5 - 17.5 - 15 kg N, P2O5, K2O/ ha at the time of rice harvest. [The fertilizers are to be incubated for 48 hours with compost/ moist soil in 1 : 10 ratio before applying]
  • Apply two foliar sprays of 2% urea at branching and pod initiation stages.

With Rhizobium and PSB inoculation (50 g/kg seed each):

  • Apply 5.0 kg N and 13.0 kg P2O5/ha at the time of sowing before rice harvest.
  • Apply second dose @ 5 - 13 - 15 kg N, P2O5, K2O/ ha at the time of rice harvest. [The fertilizers are to be incubated for 48 hours with compost/ moist soil in 1 : 10 ratio before applying]
  • Apply two foliar sprays of 2% urea at branching and pod initiation stages.

Plant Protection

 Diseases of Lathyrus

Causal organism: Fusarium oxysporum

Symptoms often appear later in the growing season and are first noticed on the lower (older) leaves. As the disease progresses, the younger leaves will also be affected and the plant eventually dies. In many cases, only one branch or side of the plant show symptoms.

Grass Pea
Protection against storage pests:

Properly dried seeds of pea should be mixed thoroughly with black pepper seed powder @ 3g/kg of seed for protection against bruchid infestation during storage. Treated seeds should be kept in polybags with outer covering of gunnybags.

Disease Fungicide Dose (g/kg of seed) Mode of Application
Wilt Carboxin 2.0 Seed treatment

Harvest And Post Management


Harvesting should be done when 75-80% of the pods turn yellow or brown.

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0376 -2340001

Assam Agricultural University

Jorhat, PIN - 785013 Assam

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