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Direct seeded rice

Direct Seeded Rice

Direct Seeded Rice

Direct Seeded Rice (DSR) is a method of sowing rice seeds directly into the main field, without raising nursery for transplanting seedling. Rice is the most important crop in the world and staple food for more than 60 percent of the global population. Increasing water scarcity and labor wages for rice cultivation is forcing the growers to search for such alternative crop establishment methods which can increase water productivity and reduce cost of cultivation. In other words, DSR is the process of establishing a rice crop from seeds sown directly in the main field rather than by transplanting seedlings from the nursery. Direct seeding can be done by sowing pre-germinated seed into a puddled soil (wet seeding through broadcast or drum seeder) or sowing dry seed (dry seeding through broadcast and seed-cum-fertilizer drill) on prepared land. Improved short-duration and high-yielding inbred varieties/hybrids, nutrient and weed management techniques encouraged the farmers to shift from manual transplanting to DSR cultivation. Direct seeded rice offers certain advantages like substantial saving of irrigation water, labor, energy, time, and decreases emission of greenhouse gases. Besides this, it also offers a congenial soil environment for better growth and productivity of succeeding crops.

DSR can be operationalized on soils ranging from medium texture (loam) to heavy texture (clay). However, it is recommended not to go for DSR if the soil is light textured and poorly drained.

Types of direct seeding

Dry direct seeding Wet direct seeding
Broadcasting Broadcasting
Seed drilling Drum seeding

Broadcasting is the oldest and most basic form of direct seeding, and is practiced quite widely in parts of Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Assam, etc. But broadcasting comes with its own disadvantages.

Disadvantages of broadcasting

  • Non-uniform distribution of seeds
  • Seed damage by birds, rodents
  • Uneven plant population
  • High seed rate is required
  • Inappropriate and non-uniform fertilizer application
  • Proper seed depth is not maintained
  • Weeds are more rampant
  • Difficult to conduct intercultural operations
  • Insect-pest and disease attack is more
  • Difficult to apply plant protection measures, consequently resulting in lesser yields and net returns
  • Non-congenial microenvironment for plant growth

Dry-Direct Seeding of Rice (Dry-DSR)

Main field preparation

For preparation of the main plot, the following points should be kept in mind:
  • Field should be prepared thoroughly by ploughing with desi plough 3-4 times followed by harrowing and planking. Ploughing should be started at least 2-3 weeks ahead of seeding so that weeds are dried up/decayed.
  • The ploughing intervals should be spaced in such a way that the weeds that germinate after the first round are knocked down in the next round. This facilitates the stale seed-bed for seeding of the crop.
  • If available, apply compost or manure uniformly prior to field preparation and mix well with soil.
  • Repair the bunds to reduce water losses from the field during the cropping season.
  • Level the fields with leveler before sowing.
  • The basal fertilizer MOP and ZnSo4 dose is applied to the field with last ploughing (see fertilizer dose in fertilizer section below).
  • Sufficient moisture required at sowing time for good germination.
  • Plot size should be kept ideally as the per resources and irrigation availability. Ideally plot size (2000 sq. meter) is helpful in irrigation management.
Seeding machine:

A multi-crop planter fitted with inclined plate seed metering mechanism and depth control wheel (DSR-drill) is used for precise seeding and fertilizer placement.


In dry DSR, a heavy pre-seeding planking is required to conserve the soil moisture intact in the soil for maintenance of proper depth and improve seed to soil contact resulting in better and uniform germination. Light post-seeding planking may be required to cover the bare seed. Nowadays, seed drills are fitted with spring-loaded wheels /flappers / chains attached behind the tines, which improve the proper seed to soil contact and seed coverage. In such case, post-seeding planking is not required. Sowing should be done in rows 20-25cm apart at a depth of 2-3cm using a seed rate of 35-40 kg/ha depending upon the variety, seeding machines, soil type and quality of the seed. As seed depth is critical to successful establishment, adjust depth control / setting wheels to ensure correct seed depth. Both very shallow and deeper depths are risky for crop emergence.

Wet-Direct Seeding of Rice (Wet-DSR)

Main field preparation

Field should be prepared thoroughly by ploughing with desi plough 4 times followed by harrowing and planking. Ploughing should be started at least 2-3 weeks ahead of seeding so that weeds are dried up/decayed. Alternatively, one pass of mould board plough followed by one or two passes of modified helical blade puddler are sufficient for obtaining good quality puddled soil. The ploughing intervals should be spaced such that the weeds germinating after the first round of ploughing are knocked down in the next round.

If available, apply compost or manure uniformly prior to field preparation and mix it well with soil.
  • Repair the bunds to reduce water losses from the field during the cropping season.
  • Level the fields, best by maintaining a shallow water layer in the field.
  • The basal fertilizer dose is applied to the field (see fertilizer section below).
  • Also keep the plot size ideal as per the availability of resources and irrigation access.

The direct seeding under wet condition i.e., Wet-DSR is accomplished with the help of drum-seeder. For drum-seeding, ideally the field should be saturated, but there should be no stagnating water. Excess moisture / water leads to decay of seed. A thin layer of water is helpful in improving the seed to soil contact.

Fertilizer application

For DSR, the fertilizer recommendation in Sali season is 60-20-40-5 and in Early Ahu/Boro season 60-30-30-5 kg/ha of N-P2O5-K2O-Zn. Nitrogen is applied into 3 splits i.e. 1/3 at 15 days after emergence, 1/3 at maximum tillering, and 1/3 at panicle initiation. In addition to this, if submergence occurs during Sali season, 20 kg N and 20 kg K₂O is applied 5-7days after recession of flood to facilitate regeneration, and boost recovery from flood-shock. The detailed schedule and method of applying all nutrients is given in the table.

Table 1: Fertilizer doses (kg/bigha) in Sali and early Ahu season
Stage of Fertilizer Application Name of Fertilizers Fertilizer Application (kg/bigha) Application Method
Early Ahu/Boro Sali
Basal DAP* 9 - Broadcast & incorporated in soil at the time of field preparation
SSP - 25
MOP 7 9
ZnSO4 3 3
15 days after crop emergence Urea 2 3 Broadcasting
Maximum tillering after first weeding Urea 6 6 Broadcasting
MOP - 4.5 Broadcasting
Panicle initiation, after second weeding Urea 6 6 Broadcasting
MOP - 4.5 Broadcasting
Additional fertilizer 5-7 days after flood recedes Urea - 6 Broadcasting
  • Stop urea broadcast, in case bacterial blight symptoms appear.
  • Apply ZnSO4 in soils deficient in Zinc, once in three years.
  • Never use urea in seed-drill while seeding, otherwise it will hamper seed germination and be corrosive to the instrument.
  • As far as practicable, drain out standing water before top-dressing of fertilizer.

Weed management.

Keep the field weed-free, especially early in the crop season. Weeds do most damage in the early crop stage, but later control is also important to prevent seed setting by the weeds.

Hand weeding:

With the increasing scarcity of farm labor, manual weeding is becoming uneconomical. However, wherever farm laborers are available, or the family member are available, hand weeding should be preferred as per the requirement of weeding in the crop. Ideal time for hand weeding is as follows.

  • First weeding with paddy weeder or hoe, 3 weeks after sowing
  • Second weeding with paddy weeder or hoe, 6 weeks after sowing

Herbicide Use

Herbicide Selection

Herbicides should be selected based on present and even previous weed pressure in the field. Field history plays a very important role in weed management and herbicide selection as well.

Herbicide Application

Given their superior effectiveness, herbicides should only be applied using multi-nozzle booms fitted with flat-fan nozzles. While spraying, the new spray-swath should always overlap 30% of the previous spray-swath margin to ensure uniform application.

Pre-emergence (PE) Herbicides

Most PE herbicides require moisture at the soil surface at the time of application. Without sufficient moisture, the PE herbicide will not be so effective. Pre-emergence herbicides supplemented with one hand weeding will be more effective to take care of skipped off weeds, and the weeds that emerge later in the season.

Post-emergence (POE) Herbicides

Ensure that there is no standing water in the field, however, the field should have moisture at the time of POE herbicide application. POE herbicides, if needed, should be applied between 15-25 DAS, when weeds attain 2-4 leaf stage.

Spray Volume

Use spray volume of 300 liters/ha in all herbicide applications.

Herbicide Safety:
  • Read the label carefully prior to use to understand both the toxicity level and the safety measures required.
  • Plastic gloves, goggles or face shield, and full clothing should be worn during mixing and during application of the herbicides.
  • Post-application, all clothes need to be washed separately from the family’s laundry.
Table 2: Select suitable and need-based herbicide(s) from the table given below
Sr. No. Technical name Dose (ai/ha) ml Product dose (ml or g /ha) Time of application Remarks
1 Pretilachlor with safener 30.7% EC 500 1629 ml Apply within 0-3 days after seeding using 375-500 lt/ha water volume. Good soil moisture is important for its efficacy It may be used in rainfed ecology or cloudy weather conditions.
2 Oxadiargyl 80% WP 90 112.5 g
1 Bispyribac sodium 10% SL 25 250 ml Spray 15-25 days after emergence using 300 liter water/ha when weeds are 2-4 leaf stage Note: Field should not be flooded at the time of herbicide application, however it should not be too dry (There should for sufficient soil moisture for better efficacy of the applied herbicide). Weak on sedges.
2 Pyrazosulfuron ethyl 10%WP 20-25 200-250 g Only controls sedges
3 Metsulfuron methyl 10 % WP + Chlorimuron ethyl 10%WP 4 (2+2) 20 g Effective mainly on broadleaf weeds
4 Ethoxysulfuron 15%WG/ WDG 18 120 g Only controls sedges
5 Bispyribac-sodium 10% SL + Pyrazosulfuron ethyl 10% WP 25 +20 250 ml + 200 g Grassy & sedges
6 Fenoxaprop-ethyl with safener 6.9 EC (6.7% w/w) + Ethoxysulfuron 15% WG/WDG 90 + 18 1300 ml + 120 g

DAT= Days after Transplanting

Machines for Direct Seeding

The drum seeder for wet direct seeding of rice (Wet-DSR)

Drum Seeder is one of the revolutionary equipment that changed the face of sowing paddy seeds in wetland fields. Direct seeding through drum seeder has eliminated the need of transplantation and hours of backbreaking manual work of the farmers while transplanting the rice seedlings in the main field. At one stretch with single operator effort, it covers 8-12 rows spaced at 20 cm at a time. The plastic frame of the drum seeder makes its working easy.

Parts of the drum seeder
  • The seed drum is hyperboloid shaped with 200 mm diameter. There are eight seed metering holes of 9 mm diameter. Baffles are provided inside the seed drum between the seed holes to ensure the uniform seed rate in operation as well as to ensure hill dropping of the seeds. Each seed drum has two rows of planting, and 4-6 drums are assembled to form 8-12 rows of planting at single stretch.
  • Wheels are provided at both ends. These wheels are made up of plastic material to provide floating characteristics. Wheel diameter is 2 feet.
  • One handle base, one handle, and 4-6 seed drums are assembled with the square shaft. The handle is meant to pull along.
Operation procedure
  • After assembling, fill the drums with pre-germinated seeds. Remember only two-third of the drums are to be filled at a time.
  • Close the mouth with the knob provided.
  • Pull the seeder manually at a normal walking speed (1 Km/h) in the backward position
  • The wheel impression in the first pass will serve as a marker.
  • In the second pass, one of the wheels should pass on the same wheel impression of the previous pass to maintain the row-to-row spacing of 20 cm.
  • Occasionally, watch the dropping of the seeds through the holes of the seeder.
  • Refill the drum when it reaches one fourth capacity.
  • Continue the seeding operation.
Salient features
  • Labor cost is reduced drastically.
  • Uniformity in seed sowing and plant population.
  • Continuous drilling of seeds is eliminated.
  • Reduction in seed rate and thinning cost.
  • Crop matures 7-10 days earlier than transplanted paddy.
  • Light in weight and easy to handle.
  • An area of 1 hectare can be sown in a day.
  • Under rainfed ecologies of Assam, where dry-DSR is having limited scope, Wet-DSR is a cost-effective alternative solution for crop establishment.
Parameter Value
Power source Hand-operated
Row to row spacing 20 cm
Shape of the seed drum Hyperboloid
Number of rows 8 rows
Diameter of the drum 20 cm
Diameter of the seed metering hole 8 mm
Number of seed metering hole 8 nos.
Weight of the unit 10 kg
Type of ground wheel Lugged wheel
Diameter of the ground wheel 60 cm
Operating speed 1 Kmph (Walking speed)
Level of filling the seed drum Half
Capacity of seed drum 600 grams
Material used Polypropylene Copolymer (PP CP)

Multi-crop planter (DSR-drill) for dry direct seeding of rice

Multi-crop planter fitted with inclined plate seed metering device and fertilizer dropping attachment distributes the seed and fertilizer uniformly and is ideal to be used under dry conditions at a controlled depth adjusted through depth control wheels pre-fitted with the machine.

Major components
Parts of the machine:

1. Frame, 2. Furrow openers, 3. Tres, 4. Fertilizer box, S. Seed box, 6. Chat and gear drives, 7. Drive wheel, 8. Depth control wheel, 9. Fertilizer delivery pipe, 10. Seed pipe, 11. Fertilizer rate adjusting nut, 12. Seed rate adjusting strip

Common issues in DSR

  • Requires lower seed rate
  • Optimum seeding depth
  • Maintains spacing between the rows
  • Uniform seed rate throughout the field
  • Good soil and seed contact, improved germination
  • Provides option for drilling the basal application of granular fertilizers
  • Conducive for intercultural and plant protection measures
  • Better yield and more profitable than broadcast sowing
  • Labor saving (as compared to transplanting)
  • Environment friendly
  • Brings opportunity to run business as ‘service provider’
  • Also leads to positive impact on the productivity of succeeding crop.
Topics Issues Suggestions
Land preparation and laser land leveler Most of the farmers do not level their field properly and hence seed establishment is not proper at some locations Need to promote the importance and benefits of leveled land for successful establishment of DSR using multi-crop planter
Seed treatment Very few farmers use treated seeds Need to generate more awareness on proper seed treatment
Row to row spacing Narrow row to row spacing hinders intercultural operations Spacing can be adjusted to 25-30 cm
Date of sowing Poor germination due to early seeding when dry weather makes the soil dry very fast (during May) Preferable sowing date should be from 15 May to 25 June
Rice variety Due to stagnant water in the field till October, farmers may face difficulty in harvesting the crop if early maturing varieties are used In the low-lying areas, either long duration varieties (Ranjit-Sub1 and Bahadur-Sub1) should be sown or late sowing of Swarna-Sub 1 should be done
Lack of availability of seed drills and trained operators Some operations are not well-trained, hence the sowing process is not that perfect. Also machines are not available on time Need more trainings for seed drill operators. Good quality seed drills are required
Weed management Improper and untimely application of herbicides Need more trainings and awareness on weed management
Fertilizer management Farmers apply mainly urea. There is misunderstanding that DAP, if applied as basal, will damage the seed or will be fixed in the soil. So DAP is applied very late, around 20-25 days after sowing Need to promote timely and balanced application, besides emphasizing on importance and benefits of fertilizer management
Insect-pest management Mealy bug and brown plant hopper are the main insects found in the field Timely application of insecticide will be beneficial
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