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Direct seeded rice

Sali Rice

Semi dwarf high yielding rice varieties recommended by AAU

Ranjit, Bahadur, Kushal

These are semi dwarf varieties developed by Assam Agricultural University (AAU) which have long crop duration and are adaptable in all zones of Assam. Their average plant height is 100-115 cm and matures in about 150-155 days after seeding. The average paddy yield of these varieties is 45 to 55 q/ha. June to mid-July is the optimum time for sowing.


This semi dwarf variety is recommended for various zones of Assam. The average plant height is 85 cm and matures in about 110-120 days after seeding. Average paddy yield is 4-4.5 q/ha. June to mid-July is the optimum time for sowing. Year of notification: 1982. Suitable for direct seeded/transplanted Ahu.


This semi dwarf variety was developed by Assam Agricultural University (AAU) and is suitable for staggered planting with aged seedlings (50-60 days old) up to August during the Sali season. Adaptable in all zones except the Hill Zone. Staggered planting refers to planting rice crop over several weeks as required under specific conditions like floods. The average plant height is 130-135 cm and matures in about 150-155 days after seeding. The average paddy yield is 5 to 5.5 t/ha. The varieties are resistant to Sheath Rot, moderately resistant to Blast and Bacterial Leaf Blight, and susceptible to Sheath Blight. June to mid-July is the optimum time for sowing.


This is a tall variety recommended for normal Sali paddy and is adaptive in all agro-climatic zones of Assam. The average plant height is 130 cm and matures in 140-145 days after seeding. Average yield is 35-40 q/ha. June to mid-July is the optimum time for sowing.

Keteki Joha

This is an improved aromatic (scented) rice variety developed by Assam Agricultural University and is suitable for the normal Sali paddy season. The variety is suitable for North Bank Plain, Upper Brahmaputra Valley, Central Brahmaputra, and Barak Valley Zones of Assam. The average plant height is 130-135 cm and matures in about 160-165 days after seeding. Average yield is 25-30 q/ha. June to mid-July is the optimum time for sowing.

Aghoni and Bhogali

These are improved glutinous (sticky) rice varieties suitable for the normal Sali paddy season in Assam. The average plant height is 100-105 cm and matures in about 155-165 days after seeding. Average yield is 25-30 q/ha. June to mid-July is the optimum time for sowing.


This is a mid-duration variety suitable for rice-based double cropped areas for the Sali season. The average plant height is 110-115 cm and matures in about 130-135 days after seeding. June to mid-July is the optimum time for sowing. Year of notification: 2020. Average yield: 5-5.5 t/ha.

Luit, Kapilee, and Disang

These are short duration varieties suitable for pre and post-flood situations as direct seeded/transplanted Ahu or as direct seeded late Sali, respectively. The average plant height is 130-140 cm and matures in about 90-95 days after seeding. Mid-July to mid-August is the optimum time for sowing. Yield of Luit variety: 3-4 t/ha. Year of notification for Luit variety: 1998.

AAU-Kmj Dhan-46 (Surma Dhan)

This variety is a short duration variety. The average plant height is 120 cm and matures in about 140-145 days after seeding. July is the optimum time for sowing. Potential yield is around 5.5-6 t/ha. Fine grain and suitable for the Sali season.

AAU- TTB Dhan 44 ( Prachur)
  • Duration: 150-155 days
  • Year of Notification: 2024
  • Yield: 6-6.6 t/ha
  • Fine grain HYV
AAU-TTB-Dhan 43 (Shatabdi)
  • Duration: 150-155 days
  • Year of Notification: 2024
  • Yield: 6-6.5 t/ha
  • Fine grain HYV
AAU-TTB-Dhan 42 (Patkai)
  • Duration: 150-155 days
  • Year of Notification: 2024
  • Yield: 5.5-6 t/ha
  • HYV suitable for Sali

High yielding varieties recommended for flash flood situation

Ranjit-Sub1 (Notified 2018)

This is a submergence tolerant rice variety for rainfed lowland flash flood situations. The average plant height is 115 cm and it matures in about 145-150 days after seeding with an average yield of 55 to 60 q/ha. It can withstand 10-12 days of submergence and is suitable for all zones of Assam. The variety is moderately resistant to Neck Blast and Brown Plant Hopper, and tolerant to Stem Borer.

Bahadur-Sub1 (Notified 2018)

This is also a submergence tolerant variety for rainfed lowland flash flood situations. The average plant height is 114 cm and it matures in about 140-145 days after seeding with an average yield of 55 to 60 q/ha. It can withstand 10-12 days of submergence and is suitable for all zones of Assam. The variety is moderately susceptible to Brown Spot, Bacterial Leaf and Sheath Blight, tolerant to Stem Borer, and moderately resistant to Brown Plant Hopper.

BR 11-Sub1

This is a submergence tolerant rice variety for rainfed lowland flash flood situations. The variety matures in about 150 days after seeding with an average yield of 45 to 50 q/ha. It has submergence tolerance for 10-12 days (Flash flood situation) and is suitable for all zones of Assam.

Swarna-Sub1 (IR 82809-237)

This is a submergence tolerant rice variety for rainfed lowland flash flood situations. The average plant height is 100 cm and it matures in about 140 days after seeding with an average yield of 45 to 50 q/ha. It can survive up to 10-12 days of complete submergence and is suitable for all zones of Assam. Notified in 2009.

Jalashree and Jalkunwari

These are submergence tolerant rice varieties for rainfed lowland flash flood situations. The variety matures in about 150-155 days after seeding with an average yield of 40 q/ha. They are tolerant to Bacterial Leaf Blight and Sheath Blight, moderately resistant to Blast, and suitable for all zones of Assam. Notified in 2017.

High yielding rice varieties suitable for waterlogged situation

TTB 303-18-3 (Chakra Lahi)

This is a Sali rice variety suitable for waterlogged situations up to 50 cm. The variety matures in about 138 days after seeding with an average yield of 47.6 q/ha. It is resistant to Brown Spot, moderately resistant to Blast and Bacterial Leaf Blight, and tolerant to Sheath Blight and Stem Borer. Suitable for North Bank Plain, Upper Brahmaputra, Lower Brahmaputra, and Barak Valley Zones of Assam.

TTB 303-2-23 (Diphalu)

This is a Sali rice variety suitable for waterlogged situations up to 50 cm. The variety matures in about 137 days after seeding with an average yield of 51.1 q/ha. It is moderately resistant to Blast, Brown Spot, Bacterial Leaf Blight, and Sheath Blight, and tolerant to Stem Borer. Suitable for North Bank Plain, Upper Brahmaputra, Lower Brahmaputra, and Barak Valley Zones of Assam.

TTB 303-1-42 (Dhansiri)

This is a Sali rice variety suitable for waterlogged situations up to 50 cm. The variety matures in about 139 days after seeding with an average yield of 48.4 q/ha. It is moderately resistant to Brown Spot and Sheath Blight, and tolerant to Blast, Bacterial Leaf Blight, and Stem Borer. Suitable for North Bank Plain, Upper Brahmaputra, Lower Brahmaputra, and Barak Valley Zones of Assam.

TTB 303-1-26 (Manah)

This is a Sali rice variety suitable for waterlogged situations up to 50 cm. The variety matures in about 138 days after seeding with an average yield of 46.6 q/ha. Suitable for North Bank Plain, Upper Brahmaputra, Lower Brahmaputra, and Barak Valley Zones of Assam.

Rice varieties suitable for low input situation

Gandhari (JR 1)

This variety is suitable for low input situations. It matures in about 125 days after seeding with an average yield of 42 q/ha. It is resistant to Blast, Bacterial Leaf Blight, Stem Borer, and Rice Bug; moderately resistant to Sheath Blight and moderately susceptible to Leaf Folder. Suitable for the Central Brahmaputra Valley Zone of Assam.

Mohan (JR 5)

This variety is suitable for low input situations. It matures in about 126 days after seeding with an average yield of 41 q/ha. It is resistant to Blast, Bacterial Leaf Blight, Stem Borer, and Rice Bug; moderately resistant to Sheath Blight and moderately susceptible to Leaf Folder. Suitable for the Central Brahmaputra Valley Zone of Assam.

Srimanta (JR 2)

This variety is suitable for low input situations. It matures in about 138 days after seeding with an average yield of 44 to 51 q/ha. It is resistant to Blast, Bacterial Leaf Blight, Stem Borer, and Rice Bug; moderately resistant to Sheath Blight and moderately susceptible to Leaf Folder. Suitable for the Lower Brahmaputra, Central Brahmaputra Valley, and Hill Zones of Assam.

Bharati (JR 7)

This variety is suitable for low input situations. It matures in about 138 days after seeding with an average yield of 41 to 48 q/ha. It is resistant to Blast, Bacterial Leaf Blight, Stem Borer, and Rice Bug; moderately resistant to Sheath Blight and moderately susceptible to Leaf Folder. Suitable for the Lower Brahmaputra, Central Brahmaputra Valley, and Hill Zones of Assam.

Recommended hybrid rice varieties

PAC 835 & PAC 837 :
  • Duration: 140-150 days
  • Year of Notification: 2009
  • Yield: 6-7 t/ha
  • High Yielding hybrid suitable for Boro season
US 312:
  • Duration: 135-140 days
  • Year of Notification: 2010
  • Yield: 5.9 t/ha
  • High Yielding hybrid suitable for Sali season, resistant to blast, moderately resistant to Sheath Blight.
Arize 6444 Gold:
  • Duration: 170-175 days
  • Year of Notification: 2015
  • Yield: 7.5 t/ha
  • High Yielding hybrid suitable for Boro season
PAC 8744

(Notified 2016): Rice hybrid for Sali season. The average yield is 58.0 q/ha. It is resistant to Gall Midge, Bacterial Leaf Blight and moderately resistant to Stem Borer. Suitable for all agroclimatic zones of Assam.

US 382

(Notified 2012): Rice hybrid for Sali season. The average yield is 58.0 q/ha. It is resistant to Gall Midge, Bacterial Leaf Blight and moderately resistant to Stem Borer. Suitable for all agroclimatic zones of Assam.

27 P 31

(Notified 2015): Rice hybrid for Sali season. The average yield is 62.0 q/ha. It is resistant to Blast and Gall Midge and moderately resistant to Stem Borer. Suitable for all agroclimatic zones of Assam.

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