Premium Quality Rice Varieties ( PQR)
- Parent varieties: Savitri/ Badsahbhog
- Year of notification: 1999
- Duration: 150-160 days
- Suitable land type: Rainfed shallow lowlands
- Plant height: 100-105 cm
- Yield: 3.5-4.0 t/ha
- Grain type: Medium bold
- Seed source for breeder/foundation/certified: AAU, ASCL, FPCs
- Suitable season: Sali/Kharif season
- It is the improved Joha rice variety possessing sweet aroma, superfine kernels, good
cooking quality, and excellent palatability & taste
- Parent varieties: Savitri/ Badsahbhog
- Year of notification: 2006
- Duration: 150-160 days
- Suitable land type: Rainfed shallow lowlands
- Plant height: 100-105 cm
- Yield: 3.5-4.0 t/ha
- Grain type: Medium slender
- Seed source for breeder/foundation/certified: AAU, ASCL, FPCs
- Suitable season: Sali/Kharif season
- It is the improved Joha rice variety possessing sweet aroma, superfine kernels, good
cooking quality, and excellent palatability and taste.
- Duration: 150-160 days
- Suitable land type: Rainfed shallow lowlands
- Plant height: 110-115 cm
- Yield: 2.0-3.0 t/ha
- Grain type: Long slender
- Seed source for breeder/foundation/certified: AAU, ASCL, FPCs
- Suitable season: Sali/Kharif season
- It is the traditional Joha rice variety possessing sweet aroma, superfine kernels,
good cooking quality, and excellent palatability and taste.
- Parent varieties: IR 73707-45-3-2-3/ IR 77080-B-34-3
- Year of notification: 2015
- Duration: 125 days
- Plant height: 100-105 cm
- Yield: 5.0 t/ha
- Grain type: Long slender
- Seed source for breeder/foundation/certified: IIRR Hyderabad, ASCL,
- Suitable season: Sali/Kharif season and Boro/early Ahu season
- First high zinc variety notified at national level. Good cooking quality with
amylose content 20.7%. Zinc content 22.6 ppm in polished rice
- Parent Varieties: HP-2 / Naveen
- Year of Notification: 2022
- Duration: 115-120 days
- Suitable Land Type: Irrigated
- Plant Height: 110 cm
- Yield: 5.0-6.0 t/ha
- Grain Type: Medium slender
- Seed source for breeder/foundation/certified: RRLRRS-Gerua, ASCL, seed companies,
- Suitable Season: Sali/Kharif season and Boro/early Ahu season
- A protein rich variety. Contains 10.3% protein in polished grain.
- Parent Varieties: HP-2/Naveen
- Year of Notification: 2022
- Duration: 120-126 days
- Plant Height: 115 cm
- Yield: 5-5.5 t/ha
- Grain Type: Long bold grain
- Seed source for breeder/foundation/certified: RRLRRS-Gerua, ASCL, FPCs
- Suitable Season: Sali/kharif season in Assam
- High protein content (mean 10.1%), Zinc content 20 ppm
- Parent varieties: Pankaj/Podumoni
- Year of notification: 2018
- Duration: 140-145 days
- Grain type: Medium slender
- Yield: 4.5-5.5 t/ha
- Seed source for breeder/foundation/certified: RRLRRS-Gerua, ASCL,
- Suitable season: Sali/kharif season in Assam
- Semi-dwarf, strong aroma, good cooking quality, non-lodging, suitable for rice
flakes and confectionary products
- Moderately resistant to leaf blast, neck blast, bacterial leaf blast, brown spot,
sheath blight, leaf folder, and white backed plant hopper
- Duration: 145-150 days
- Suitable land type: Rainfed shallow lowlands
- Yield: 4.0-5.0 t/ha
Bao Rice (Deep Water Rice) varieties
Bao paddy variety suitable for North Bank Plain, Upper Brahmaputra, and Central Brahmaputra Valley Zones
of Assam.
Bao paddy variety suitable for North Bank Plain and Upper Brahmaputra Valley Zones of Assam.
Improved bao paddy variety suitable for North Bank Plain Zone of Assam. This variety is early maturing
(185 days) and escapes ufra disease.
Panindra and Padmanath
Bao paddy variety suitable for North Bank Plain Zone of Assam.
Bao paddy variety suitable for North Bank Plain Zone of Assam.
Bao paddy variety suitable for Upper Brahmaputra, Central Brahmaputra Valley, and Lower Brahmaputra
Valley Zones of Assam.
Bao paddy variety suitable for Central and Lower Brahmaputra Valley Zones of Assam.
Bao paddy variety suitable for Barak Valley Zone of Assam.
Bao paddy variety suitable for Barak Valley Zone of Assam.
LPR 106 (Panchanan)
Improved bao paddy variety suitable for deepwater (50-100 cm water depth). Duration is 240 days as
direct-seeded and 186 days as transplanted crop. Average yield is 30 q/ha.
KDML 105 (Padumani)
Improved bao paddy variety suitable for deepwater (50-100 cm water depth). Duration is 230 days as
direct-seeded and 180 days as transplanted crop. Average yield is 26 q/ha.