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Aau Model Carp Hatchery

Fish in Assam

Aau Model Carp Hatchery

  • A triple chambered cement circular tank is to be constructed.
  • The outer chamber serves as the spawning chamber with a diameter of 6.66 meters.
  • The middle and innermost chambers serve as the incubation-cum-hatching chamber and waste disposal chamber, respectively.
  • The chambers are interconnected with water inlets and outlets for unidirectional water flow in the spawning chamber, tangential flow, and discharge through the center by means of a standpipe in the hatching cum incubation chamber.
  • The hatching chamber is connected to a collecting pool for the collection of spawn.
  • A riverine condition during the rainy season is artificially created through these water flow systems with the help of showers fitted in the walls of the hatching & breeding chambers.
  • Inside the main circular tank, a middle circular brick wall configures the incubation-cum-hatching center.
  • A circular inbuilt iron rod netting partition is provided in the center of the inner tank to separate the incubation-cum-hatching chamber from the waste disposal chamber.
  • The spawning tank has a capacity for breeding 20 kg females in one operation.
  • The incubation-cum-hatching chamber has the capacity of holding 9.0 cubic meters of water, accommodating 9 million eggs.
  • A passage is provided for automatic entry of eggs from the spawning chamber to the incubation-cum-hatching chamber by fitting a 55mm GI pipe diagonally at the middle wall.
  • The inner end of the egg-passing pipe is jet type.
  • The spawning chamber is connected with the spawn collection tank.
  • There are a total of 24 water jet (15mm) type inlets (duck mouth) at the bottom of the incubation-cum-hatching chamber, moving the water in a spiral upward direction to keep the eggs gliding in a suspended condition.
  • The iron frame of the innermost chamber is wrapped with a nylon netting of small mesh that facilitates sieving out the excess water from the spawning chamber.
  • There is a provision of 8 vertically fitted showers on the middle wall.
  • The excess water drains out through a standpipe of 65mm diameter fitted at the center of the inner chamber, maintaining the required water level in the incubation-cum-hatching chamber.
  • An RCC overhead tank of about 16,000 liters capacity is constructed and connected with the piping system of the hatchery for continuous water supply.
  • For this, an overhead tank of 5.28m length, 3.64m width, and 1.38m depth is constructed at around 2.25m height with fitting for water supply to the hatchery proper.
  • As one breeding operation requires 3-4 days for completion, there is a break of 3-4 days between two operations in this hatchery system.
  • For continual operation, an additional hatching pool is constructed outside the system, with the same specifications and measurements as in the hatchery proper, connecting to the spawning pool of the hatchery proper through inlet pipes (55mm GI pipe) on one side and to the collecting chamber through an outlet on the other side.
  • One thatched shed is constructed over the hatchery proper to protect it from the direct impact of rainfall and sunlight. A similar shed is provided for the additional hatching pool as well.
Interconnection of Components of the AAU hatchery model
A section of AAU model carp hatchery
Cross section of the hatchery proper showing different measurements
Economics of AAU Model hatchery (For production of carps spawn)
A. Capital Cost
Item Cost (Rs.)
Construction of eco hatchery complex including-


(On the basis of estimate by DPP, AAU, Jorhat; rates are due for fluctuation as per APWD rate 2021-22)

i. Circular breeding pool of 6.66 m diameter
ii. 2 Hatching pools of 3.66m diameter
iii. Overhead tank of 16,000 litre capacity
iv. Pumpset (5HP)
v. Guard shed and office room
vi. Brood stock pond, nursery pond, rearing pond
vii. Brood stock-1.6 tonnes
viii. Contingent expenses for nets, equipment, hapas etc.
B. Recurring cost

For seed production (upto spawn stage)

Item Cost (Rs.)
Feeding of brood stock (1600kg) @ 2% body weight for 90 days @Rs. 40 kg-1 of feed (32kg feed X 90 days X Rs. 40 kg-1 feed) 1,15,200.00
Synthetic Hormone required for 1600kg fish=400 ml @ Rs. 400 10ml-1 16,000.00
POL @ Rs. 1000/operation for 40 operations (LS) 40,000.00
Worker, 320 mandays @ Rs. 300 96,000.00
Miscellaneous including packing materials 25,000.00
Depreciation over the capital cost @ 5% 75,000.00
Total Cost 3,67,200.00

Production per Operation: 20 lakh spawn

Total Production from 40 Operations: 800 lakh spawn

Revenue Earned from Selling Spawn @ Rs. 700 lakh-1: Rs. 5,60,000.00

Total Operational Cost: Rs. 3,67,200.00

Profit: Rs. 1,92,800.00

% Profit Over Operational Cost: 52.51%

Chinese Circular Hatchery/ Eco-hatchery

A hatchery is the most vital component of modern fish farm. It may be defined as a facility for fish spawning, egg incubation and rearing of hatchlings up to larval stage. Eco hatcheries are Chinese origin and have become very popular in India. Due to its origin in China it is also referred as Chinese hatchery. For large scale fish seed production these hatcheries can be used. The main components of the hatchery are-

  1. Overhead Tank
  2. Spawning/Breeding Pool
  3. Hatching Tank/Pool
  4. Spawnery

Overhead Tank

  • The size of the overhead tank varies according to the scale of operation of breeding and hatching pool.
  • A minimum of 30,000 litre tanks is needed for a medium sized hatchery.
  • A tank should be installed at about 2.5-3.0 m height from the base level of breeding pool.
Circular Spawning Tank
  • The tank may be made of brick work or RCVC or FRP.
  • The diameter varies from 5-8 m (for 5 million eggs /operation diameter should be 5 m).
  • The floor of the tank slopes towards the centre where opening of the outlet is located.
  • Outlet pipe leads to egg collection chamber or to the hatching pool.
  • Inlet pipe of 2" or 3" diameter is arranged diagonally at 600 through the wall of the tank to create a circular water flow inside during operation.
  • Two numbers of 6" diameter water showers are fixed at a height of 1 m over the tank.
  • Stocking of brood fish in spawning pool is @3.5kg m-3.
  • Speed of the water current in the pool should be between 3 to 5 m/second or 2 litre per second.
Hatching Tank/Pool
  • Circular in shape
  • Two chambered-outer and inner
  • Outer chamber 3-6 m diameter (diameter for incubating 5 million eggs should be 3.2 meters)
  • Inner chamber 0.8-1.5 m diameter
  • The quantity of eggs that can be incubated per cubic meter is 7 lakhs eggs.
  • Water depth should be 1-1.5 m.
  • The diameter of outer chamber may be 3 to 4 times the diameter of inner chamber
  • The circular wall separating the outer and inner chambers is provided with fine meshed net having mesh size of 1/60" to 1/80".
  • The net separating the chambers allows only water to flow from outer chamber to inner chamber but not the eggs or spawn.
  • Outlet pipe is placed in the centre on the inner chamber.
  • Outlet is provided with a vertically fitted pipe to maintain the water depth in the incubation chamber at the desired level.
  • Inlet pipes are shaped as duck mouth inlets and fixed at the bottom of the outer chamber
  • Duck mouth inlets are arranged in a row, 6-12 numbers equidistant from each other and from both outer and inner wall of the chamber.
  • The eggs are collected from the egg collection chamber and released into the outer chamber of hatching pool.
  • The speed of water current for first 12 hours should be 0.4-0.5 m second-1
  • The speed of water current for next 6 hour should be 0.1 - 0.2 m second-1 and then after the speed is increased to 0.3- 0.4 m second-1.
  • A spawn delivery pipe is also provided to collect the spawn after the hatching is over.
Fig. View of a Chinese Circular Hatchery
Production economics of Chinese Eco-hatchery (For production of carps spawn)
A. Capital Cost
Item Cost (Rs.)
Construction of eco hatchery complex including-


( As per NFDB guidelines 2016)

i. Circular breeding pool of 8 m diameter
ii. 3 Hatching pools of 3m diameter
iii. Overhead tank of 5000 gallons capacity
iv. Shallow tube well 8"x 6"x200'
v. Pumpset (5HP)
vi. Guard shed and office room
vii. Brood stock pond, Nursery pond, Rearing pond
viii. Brood stock-5 tonnes
ix. Contingent expenses for nets, equipments, hapas etc. (As per NFDB guidelines 2016)
B. Recurring cost

For seed production (upto spawn stage)

Item Cost (Rs.)
i. Feeding of brood stock (5000kg) @ 2% body weight for 90 days @ Rs. 40 kg-1 of feed (100kg feed X 90 days X Rs. 40 kg-1 feed) 3,60,000.00
ii. Synthetic Hormone required for 5000 kg fish=1250 ml @ Rs. 400 10ml-1 50,000.00
iii. POL @ Rs. 1500/operation for 50 operation LS 75,000.00
iv. Worker, 750 mandays @ Rs. 300 2,25,000.00
v. Miscellaneous including packing materials 80,000.00
vi. Depreciation over the capital cost @ 5% 1,25,000.00
Total cost 9,15,000.00

Production per operation: 40 lakh spawn

Production from 50 operations: 2000 lakh spawn

Revenue earned selling spawn @ Rs. 700 lakh-1: Rs. 14,00,000.00

Total operational cost: Rs. 9,15,000.00

Profit: Rs. 4,85,000.00

% Profit over operational cost: 53%

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