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Fish Cum Poultry Farming

Fish in Assam

Fish Cum Poultry Farming

In fish-poultry farming, the fish crop is raised using only poultry dropping or deep litter by rearing the poultry either directly over the pond or on the pond embankments.

Site selection
General characteristics

The salient suitable characteristics are: Minimum area - 0.07 ha, plain type layout, alluvial, impervious soil, organic carbon content less than 1% and soil pH 6.5-7.5.

Availability of inputs

Availability of chicks of recommended breed, poultry feed, medicine, fish seed and lime need be ascertained.


Must have trained manpower specially on poultry farming.


Must have good demand for eggs and fish.

Power supply

Provision of power supply is required more than in other technologies of fish farming as light and temperature are critical factors for poultry farming.

Pond requirements

Minimum required facilities are at least one grow out pond of 0.05 -0.4 ha, one seed raising pond of 0.01-0.045 ha. Ponds should be preferably rectangular, water level 2.0-3.0 m, pH 6.5-7.5.

Models of integration

Two types of integrated fish-poultry farming are recommended.

Direct integration

A pre-determined numbers of layer poultry birds are reared in pens over the pond. The floor of the pen being perforated, poultry dropping directly fall into the pond where fish crop is raised.

Indirect integration

Poultry birds are reared under deep litter or wire floor system in pens over the pond embankment. The fully built deep litter or the droppings are manually applied to the pond daily at a predetermined dose.

Layer birds of any good breed can be reared this system.

Farm design and construction

Poultry house: The poultry house must have adequate accommodation, supply of light and air be reasonably cool during summer and sufficiently warm during winter, and should always remain dry. To ensure all these Assam Type (Gable or monitor type) is recommended. The specification of the house varies according to model of integration.

Poultry house for direct integration: The house is constructed over pond water at any convenient corner. The floor of the house is perforated (4-6 cm2 mesh size) and should be installed at 1.2-1.5 m above the highest water level of the pond. Space requirement is 0.3-0.5 m2 per bird. One third of the wall at the upper portion should be provided with lattice fencing/ wire netting.

Poultry house for indirect integration: The poultry house is constructed on any convenient embankment. Depending on choice and suitability two types of housing can be opted.

  • Deep litter system: Space requirement per bird is 2.5 – 3.0 ft2. The plinth should be 0.75 – 0.90 m higher than the outside elevation of the embankment. Proper full proof measures should be taken at the time of construction.
  • Wire floor system: Space requirement per bird is 1.25 ft2. Floor of house is made of wire netting. The house can be multitier. Litter collecting chambers are provided below each floor. Depending on scale of operation house is designed.
Poultry pen:
  • Direct integration: The poultry house should be erected by complete dewatering of the pond. The house can be made of thatch and bamboo. Asbestos may also be used for roofing. The floor should have half square inch perforation. The floor can be made of split bamboo, but durable wire netting may also be installed on solid beams. Construction should be completed 40 days before commencement of the actual integration.
  • Indirect integration: In case of deep litter system, the poultry house should be constructed 1 year before the actual process of commencement of integration. In case of wire floor system in the indirect integration the house should be constructed 30 days before the actual process of integration. Electrical connection for heater, fan and light should be provided in all case above.
Fish husbandry

Pond preparation: In direct integration, poultry birds are introduced in pens, 30 days prior to stocking of fish seeds. The droppings gradually build up the productivity of the ponds. In case of direct integration, poultry dropping or deep litter is applied 15 days prior to stocking at the rate of 750kg ha-1 in single instalment for raising productivity. Desilting every year is mandatory.

Fish seeds: Stocking rate is 6000 ha-1 with 10% increment to account mortality. Composition is detailed in table- 1

Table-1 Species combination and percentage composition for stocking in integrated fish poultry system.

Combination Species Percentage Nos 0.28 ha-1 Nos. ha-1
6 Species Silver carp 15 240 900
Catla 20 320 1200
Rohu 15 240 900
Grass carp 10 160 600
Mrigal 20 320 1200
Common carp 20 320 1200
Total 100 1600 6000
Poultry husbandry

Pen preparation: Complete disinfection. Brooding arrangement for deep litter system- bedding materials such as saw dust or paddy husk is required to cover the floor up to about 6 inches.


Direct integration: Keystone Golden, Rhode Island, Kuroiler and kamrupa can be reared.

Indirect integration: Any good commercial breed.


For direct integration: 6-8 weeks.

For indirect integration: Day old

Number: 500-600 birds for 1ha water area.

Farming Technology

Stocking: Best time is March-April. In direct integration system stocking is done 30 days after poultry birds are introduced in pens. In indirect integration system stocking is done 15 days after application of deep litter/poultry droppings.

Water management:
  • Liming: Monthly.
  • Supplementary feeding: Only for grass carp.
  • Fertilization: Chemical fertilization is not required. In direct integration, constant flow of poultry droppings is allowed. In indirect integration, deep litter or fresh droppings is applied @ 50 kg ha-1
  • Water depth: Minimum: 1.5 m, Optimum: 2.0-3.0 m
  • Control of algal bloom: On occurrence of algal bloom in direct system, a polythene sheet is carefully laid below the coop to prevent falling of droppings in water. In indirect integration, the application of dropping is suspended. Supply of fodder for grass carp during algal bloom period is suspended.
  • Health care: Netting at least once a month for growth and disease monitoring.
  • Harvest: Partial harvesting followed by complete harvesting.

Introducing chicks: In direct integration, birds are introduced 30 days prior to fish seed stocking and reared up to 18 months. In the wire floor system of indirect integration, the same schedule is followed. But in deep litter system of indirect integration, the flock is brought in at least one year before stocking of ponds.

Feeding: Balanced poultry feed under different trade names are available for different age group of poultry birds. Feed should be supplemented with vitamins and minerals. The feed is provided in feed hoppers. An ample supply of water in poultry drinkers is made available all the time.

Deep litter management: In deep litter system, the droppings of birds falling on the litter gradually combine with the materials used through the bacterial action. When the depth of the litter becomes less, more organic matter is added. In case the litter becomes dump, super phosphate or lime is added to keep it dry. The litter is stirred for aeration and to maintain its hygiene. In about 2 months it becomes deep litter and in about 10-12 months it turns to fully built litter. At this stage the litter becomes ready for application in ponds.

Health care: Birds should be vaccinated against Ranikhet, Marek’s disease and Fowl pox. Hygienic condition should be maintained to prevent Coccidiosis, Gamburu etc. Sudden change in feeding is detrimental. Litter must be kept dry. Visitors should be discouraged.

Harvest: Egg collection 3-4 times a day. Stock should be replenished at the age of 18 months.


Fish : 4,500 kg ha-1yr-1

Eggs : 1, 20,000 per 600 birds yr-1

Chicken : 690 kg per 600 birds ha-1yr-1


The variable cost and return functions of poultry-fish culture (Direct method,) operated by adopting the above package and calculated for 0.28 ha. are given in table 1. The table shows that an investment of Rs.2,66,800.00 assure a return of Rs. 3,82,700.00 . Percent return on variable cost is 43.44.

Table -1. Economics of poultry-fish culture (direct integration) in 0.28 ha pond.

Head of Expenditure Qty/No. Rate (Rs.) Cost (Rs.)
Dewatering & desilting 6,000.00
Poultry coop (annual av. expenditure life span 5 years) 2,500.00
Agricultural lime 602 kg 7.1kg 4,200.00
Carried over seed 1760 nos 5 each 8,800.00
Cost of harvesting
Chicks (8 weeks old) 176 nos. 50 each 8,800.00
Poultry feed 5500 kg 25 kg 1,37,500.00
Medicine 10 each 1,760.00
Labour wage 1 200 day-1 73,000.00
Misc. expenditure 1,000.00
Total 242560.00
Interest 10.0% 24256.00
Total variable cost


Say 2,66,800.00


Product Qty/No. Rate (Rs.) Sale proceed
Fish 1250 kg 150.00 kg-1 1,87,500.00
Eggs 32000 nos. 5 each 1,60,000.00
Chicken 176 kg 200.00 kg-1 35,200.00
Total return 3,82,700.00
Net income 1,15,900.00
Percent profit on variable cost 43.44
Percent profit to turn over 30.28
BCR 1.43

N.B. : Cost of fodder is not included

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