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Fish Cum Duck Farming

Fish in Assam

Fish Cum Duck Farming

1. Fish-Duck farming: The fish crop is raised using duck dropping released by rearing ducks over the pond. Predetermined numbers of ducks are raised for a stipulated time in perforated floor pens (fixed or movable) over the pond. Duck house wastes directly fall into the water where fish crop is raised without application of any other supplementary feed or fertilizers.

2. Fish Pond: Minimum 2 bighas area (2800 m2), with 2.5- 3.0m depth with capacity of holding at least 1.5 m water depth throughout the year, with proper side slope and strong embankment.

3. Duck pen: The duck house should be spacious and well ventilated. The floor is perforated (4-6 cm2 mesh). About 0.3 -0.5 m2 floor space is required for each bird. In fixed house, the floor should be raised at 1.2m above the highest water level.

4. Fish husbandry: Includes Pond preparation (desilting, bottom raking, lime application).

Fish seed: Fingerlings (10-15cm) of IMC and Chinese carps (Silver carp, Grass carp and Common carp) can be stocked.

Stocking rate: 5000-5500 ha-1 with 10% increment on mortality.

5. Duck husbandry:
  • Pen preparation: With complete disinfection the pen before bringing the ducks. Ducks are introduced 30 days before release of fish seeds in ponds.
  • Breed: F1 hybrid of Khaki cambell and local Pati ducks, Indian runner and Chara chameli are suitable for integration with fish culture.
  • Age: 5-6 months.
  • Number: 240-300 nos. birds ha-1 water area at 1:5 male: female ratio.
6. Management Practices:

Fish Stocking: Best time is March-April.

Water management: Includes monthly liming, supplementary feeding (only for Grass carp), and monitoring and controlling of algal bloom.

Fish health monitoring: Random sampling for any infection.


Feeding: Ducks are given a free range in the pond when they may find their natural food. In addition, the ducks are fed with standard ration at the rate of 100g bird-1day-1.

Egg laying: The duck start laying eggs from the age of 7-8 months. Some straw is kept at the corner of the house for egg laying.

Health care: Birds should be vaccinated against Duck cholera (immunity last for only 2 months) in the duckling stage and against Duck plague at the age of 6 weeks and then annually. Proper hygiene should be strictly maintained.

Harvest: Egg collection is done every day at around 9 am prior to which duck must not be released from pen. Ducks are reared up to 12-18 months after which they are disposed.


Fish : 540 kg/bigha/yr

Egg : 3040-3520 per 400 ducks/yr

Duck : 38-40 kg per 400 ducks/yr (Average of three years).


The variable cost and return function of the system calculated for 0.28 ha is shown in table 3.
The table shows that an investment of Rs.1,60,800.00 assures a return of Rs.2,46,600.00.
The percent return on variable cost is 53.86.

Table-3: Economics of Duck-Fish culture in 0.28 ha pond

Head of expenditure Qty/No Rate (Rs.) Cost (Rs.)
Dewatering & desilting 5000.00
Duck house (annual av. expenditure; Life span 5 years) 2500.00
Agricultural lime 300 kg 7 kg-1 2100.00
Carried over seeds 1540 nos. 5 each 7700.00
Cost of harvesting
Duckling (4 months old ) 88 nos. 50 each 4400.00
Duck feed 2000 kg 25 kg-1 50,000.00
Medicine 500.00
Labour wage 200 / manday 73,000.00
Misc. expenditure 1,000.00
Total 1,46,200.00
Interest 10.0% 14,620.00
Total variable cost 1,60,820.00

Product Qty/No Rate (Rs.) Sale proceed
Fish 1200 kg 150.00 kg-1 1,80,000.00
Eggs 6700 Nos. 6 each 40,200.00
Ducks 120 kgs 220.00 kg-1 26,400.00
Total return 2,46,600.00
Net income 85,800.00
Percent return on Variable cost 53.36
Percent profit to turn over 34.79
BCR 1.53
N.B.: Cost of fodder is not included
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