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Yearling Production

Fish in Assam

Yearling Production

Seed raising practice can be developed as a lucrative business particularly in the states of the NE region since there is a high demand for quality fish seed. Since breeding of carp commences with the advent of monsoon during April – May in the North Eastern states, the fish fingerling can be made available in the region from June – July onwards. The region is characterized by dry and cold winter season starting from October – November to January – February during which the ambient temperature is much below than the optimum range for fish growth. Hence, when the farmer’s stock fish seed during the month of June – July, they get the ambient optimum temperature regime for 3-4 months only for growing the fish. To avail the benefit of the optimum temperature regime the fish farmers have to stock their ponds during the month of March – April. In availability of fingerling at the right time of stocking (March – April) has been a bottleneck for development of fish farming sector in the NE region. To overcome this problem, carried over seed produced in the previous year to the next year is the best option. This technology includes collection and raising of early fry produced during the month of July – August and raising them till the February – March of the next year. The rearing of the seeds is done in high stocking density and providing limited nutrition. The resultant will be 5-6 inch long stunted yearling which are used as stocking material in the next year. The stocking density to be maintained for yearling production is 30,000 nos. of fry/ 0.25 ha including 20% mortality.

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